So, all along, THEY were the site who should have been sticking to video game reporting? What an idiotically pointless self-inflicted wound...
So, all along, THEY were the site who should have been sticking to video game reporting? What an idiotically pointless self-inflicted wound...
We will only overcome this through strong words with equally strong follow-through. This is a critical time for us to leverage out white privilege for positive change.
Stephen, thank you. You have stayed in this job, despite what has happened around you, and this message is appropriate use of your platform. We support you in supporting this.
Timmy ran away.
I spite of it all, I'm grateful for ours. They are grounding and a good external reason to trudge on into this mess... I am privileged, though, which certainly makes it easier.
Not crown jewels, family jewels. You're silly!
If you pull on her kerchief her head rolls off.
Riley, good for you, both in going for it and sharing about it. I'm Greek, so no beard is no option right now :) don't have anxiety... I'm just grateful that we're in a cycle where beards are in. I had the opposite problem, with full facial hair at 13 when beards were waaay out. Other people's pressure is dumb, so try…
I love you guys. Of course, I'll probably like any responses.
Rebecca, what would the opposite of this song be? What would have helped you, rather than scarred you? Request it, and maybe we can make it come true!
Good luck, all. I've been so grateful to be locled down with my wife and kids... Yes, in part because of the subject of this article, but mostly because I fall apart if I spend more than 3 days alone.
Such a damn clever name. Good for them!
Tm and Eric's Chrimbus episode!
Damn! Where you going, so I can follow you there?
What, babies?
The pic its time loading and I was expecting it to show one of the very bad men wearing something. Not the main one, because he said he's not going to do that.
Speaking to your desire, they (children) are entertaining than they are annoying, under current circumstances... I’ll leave the rest unsaid!
Aerith is a man. New grafix show a distinct Adam's apple.
I don't like this.