
"Maybe he's an HOF'er, maybe he's not (I think he is, but it's not a slam-dunk case, although 3,000 hits and some of his postseason stuff obviously helps)" - proof read? I dont know how you can make it seem MORE like you thought he wasnt a slam dunk case. In that sentence alone you made 2 (TWO! LIKE JETER #RE2PECT)

I never understood why the BBWAA wants to try to rewrite history so bad when the steroid era practically saved baseball from the 94 strike. I never understood NOT telling the full story of baseball in the HOF. There have been many eras in baseball from the dead ball era to the segregation era to the DH era. The

I was hoping you would say that because "Chickpeas" are in fact, beans. So beans can be round. Black beans are more oval than round but not like the typical bean shape. Fun fact, the only difference between beans and peas is that beans are protein filled and peas are more vegetable-like. Both are actually legumes.

Ha apparently you think that black beans are bean shaped (when in fact that are round), not perfectly, but neither is a baseball. Good try captain know-it-all. Garbanzo beans are basically round as well. And have you ever seen the seeds of green beans, they are suspiciously round. But hey im sure you are going to

you are arguing over the misuse of a word. Im sure you know about effort! Ive got 2 kids, my effort is spent by the end of the night and was totally spent after watching that double OT Game 5 last night in the east coast. Really though, its not a big deal and if someone gets beaned and its not in the head well thats

There are other parts of your body other than your thigh that constitutes a leg. I dont know if its happened but there is no doubt in my mind that one could fracture a shin if they got hit square enough. Kevin Brown broke FP Santangelos kneecap. It IS part of the leg you know.

cool, did you get the point? yeah you did, it worked!

Im glad you were so concerned with the level of analogy than with the point, but you got it nonetheless!

I think the in depth worry about concussions and the correlation between that and other degenerative diseases have really picked up in the last 10 years. Heck when did Junior Seau kill himself, because thats when it really intensified in sports. Maybe 15 years but in the early 90s it was just starting to become

I would say in the last 10 years or so when hitting batters in the head on purpose has been universally frowned upon by all. Can you pinpoint to me when the word gay went from happy to meaning homosexual? Its (being beaned) a colloquialism that will most likely mean to be hit by a pitched ball. Its really OK to do so!

you know language evolves and changes right? How often do you see a player beaned these days? Not often, and usually its on accident. Being hit in the head is far more serious than it once was so it is wholly frowned upon, as is being a head hunter from reputation in general. Its bad enough you can break someones

the money lost about 3 million dollars because it couldnt even hit the budget in the theaters. i only saw this movie because it was in a preview on The Butterfly Effect. It is a cult classic and if a movie bombs in the theater and then gets more play on DVD, its underrated.

its difficult to even tell how it ended and thats what i LOVED about it haha. I have a total Tears for Fears man crush because of this movie.

And if you think that stealing third is Escobar being a stat rat than you are the least objective person on this board. Only up 5 and now its padding stats to steal 3rd? Are you serious? NAWT MA TEAM!

because..."Honestly, why doesn't the guy who takes his helmet off, interrupts the game and starts trying to walk somebody down the person who is getting the grief in all these instances? In my days of playing, you got chirped at from the dugout for everything. Not being able to deal with that is the problem here.

care to explain why you think it was a piece of shit? Its one of the more underrated movies of the 2000s

This is a typical Red Sox attitude. NAWT MAH TEAM! For real though I am 100% confident I could come up with something so vile that you would want to get in my face. Easy god damned peasy! When you have 4 sisters and cant be physical you come up with some awful shit to say to defend yourself.

you keep saying chirping like you know what they said. I have no doubt in my mind I could say some shit to get you take off your helmet and come towards me, and im not even a pro. im calling butthurt sox fan who says hes not a sox fan.

This and Morosis article have it wrong, sorry Barry. First of all I dont know anyone that goes to any games to see what a player will do when he hits a home run. We come to see the home run, NOT the showmanship. In fact, id say most fans would miss this because we are watching the ball get out of the park. With that

honestly the way this kinja forum is laid out, it doesnt give you any notification that there are any replys when looking at this comment like the other version did. It makes it seem like no one has replied. I can understand the mistake. Wondering why you answered after 3 other people. Funny guy i guess.