
It you look closely you see the ball take a jump up right as he goes to kick it. whoops!

by the way, its NEXT YEAR, and your comment still stands. well played!

Only one local jeweler could tell my wifes moissanite ring from a diamond ring, and it was because of the dual refractions. He hesitated in his look at my wife and shes was like i know its moissanite I picked it out! Others thought we were rich because they didnt know haha

So my wife and I did things "backwards". We dated and lived together for 6 months, bought a house when she got pregnant, had 1 child and another on the way when we decided we should get married. I was prepared to spend 10k on a ring for my wife and have as big a wedding as she wanted.

I had an OOB experience once but it was a long time ago and I was really young and it was drug induced. Details are fading but I had many surgeries as a child on my ear and one was particularly harrowing. First of all I was given Ether as an anesthetic. This was in the late 80s and Ether has since been retired. I

I NEED a phone that opens into a larger phone a la the future teaser they gave us last year. This same crap is the same. Ill wait to see what the Note 4 looks like (probably the note 3 with a better screen/camera so I am not jumping for joy. This might be the first time ive ever waited out a two year cycle and not

Skip Sophie the Giraffe teething toy! It blows my mind that people are paying $20 for a teether. I have 2 kids, one who is on the precipice of sprouting her first teeth. None of them have ever needed a $20 teething toy and theyve both done well with $5 ones. And the only thing this thing does is make it a shade easier

Upstate NYer. We dont give a crap about anyone in Illinois. I was trying to find the rationale for the hate but since I live 3 hrs north of NYC I didnt think of the NYC/Chicago thing which I can see. Otherwise as a REAL New Yorker, the only folks we hate are those Massholes on the I90. I think america as a whole hates

Im wondering if you know the definition of "target audience". You keep naming target audiences that arent the target audience. And I am telling you that ive had the XB1 since release, use it every day and i admit, ambient noise can be a little annoying, but even with 2 screaming kids it picks up commands. Sure maybe

I dont think you are right...

then you arent the target audience. the target audience wasnt hardcore gamers. it was people who want to game AND MORE. That and more being use this thing as the ONE box to rule it all. Honestly Microsoft has delivered so far. Tweaking needs to be done, options need to be added. Regardless of all of that, the games

I can say xbox watch tv and draw up tv from anywhere in my living room. You would have to go find the remote sit down turn the input to cable etc. Much faster. Xbox go to call of duty ghosts is much faster than you picking up your controller and getting to the COD pin. If you have your controller in your hand sure a

Ahh so youre just an exaggerator (sounds like my wife who always underestimates things haha). I cant speak for the PS4 commands, but the more I use the XB1 commands the more natural it is. The fact that you have both and use them might be making them fight against each other? Like you talk to the XB1 in the same way

youre welcome. i say that because if no one early adopted, youd never have anything good to buy, because it would always be beta.

The fact that its a media center. I am not the gamer i once was. A good job and 2 kids/wife will do that to you (if you are being a good dad/husband that is) but using voice commands that actually work to control things like the TV (which is always on) and playing active games did it and you know what, it is AWESOME.

by then it will be time for next gen consoles lol

Because specs tell the whole story? But really, you arent the target audience. You dont have cable and thus cant use the full functionality of the voice commands, which are absolutely fantastic. You and I have both touched our cable remote the same the past month!

My son is 2.5 years old and no matter how he speaks to it it never picks up a command from him. Of course he speaks as a normal toddler would, but xbox watch tv doesnt work. Parrots? Youre on your own with that one. It does not currently block other users when we watch tv. Both my wife and I can control commands at

Have you even tried the XB1? I ask because I havent tried the PS4, so I dont know what the commands are like on the PS4, but to say the XB1 commands work half of the time kind of insinuates to me that youve either used it once or not at all. I bought it at launch and it is fantastic. I estimate that the commands are