
Because you have to do it both ways on the same course, and Volkswagen’s track in Germany is so worn in one direction that it would have never hit 300 going backwards without blowing the tires up?  :-)


That $640,000 is before rebates. It’s more like $400,000, right?

Had one (2018 2.0T Sport) and loved it.

Just bought a 2019 Accord Sport 2.oT last week and yes I can tell you, very good decision.

$5 the cyclists are at fault. Cyclists usually believe rules do not apply to them.

Going back to the HSV? It’s weird that the Corvette spent all this time moving the engine to the back because they’ve reached the limits of FR dynamics and Honda is doing the exact opposite. 

Well they didn’t break this one but they did capitalize on it so it sounds like they’re priorities are about the way they stanted them. One direction, modified car, no record

2020 Tesla Roadster top speed: 75,189 MPH = $0.75 per MPH

This. Every piece of it. If you can even vacuum it, I have no faith that you did any needed maintenance on it or really gave a crap about it. The truth is they probably “cleaned” the car for these photos.

They’re getting a version of the halo, along with a windscreen, next year. In other words, the issue was addressed before this past weekend. 

Google says that a full size ecology block weighs in at 3,850lb. It looks like there are nine loaded on there. So, 34,650lb payload. If the gross is 75,000lb, then the tare is 40,350lb.

Yup, seems like a great place for the office of a car blog. “Drive Free Or Die.” Indeed!

good article but i weep for the amount of shit you’re going to get for it 

When they start testing the next generation C9 they should probably keep the blue one away from mountain roads.

Shocking. I always figured guys who bought Dodge Demons were totally zen and would only go to tracks after journaling their feelings and embracing their inner children, and then only to help others there self-actualize their potential. This comes as a great surprise.

That’s a shitload of downforce.

Yeah, that’s a long haul. Anyway, great group (I ran with them once). 


S2000 definitely fits!