
i was wondering that too...sitting in front of the car doesn’t sound like a very effective de-escalation tactic, but what do i know?

True. If you’re taking these cars out to the track for fun, go for it!

As with the Prologue, this is a dead platform.

It sucks for everybody involved but it isn’t like he is going to be dining at Carbone’s tonight. This is just his NY conviction. He also was sentenced to 16 years in California and that still stands.

Jesus christ. What’s the point? Imagine all the victims having to go back to trial and relive all of this... again. 

I work in the federal government.  It’s an endless cesspool of slum lord contractor companies that basically hog tie any useful employee into that slot due to non-compete.  There might be 20 different companies that supply talent to that division.  Most of them bid for the slot and then hire talent at X amount of

Its OK to be wrong once in a while.

for what, exactly? how much should an original cast get for remakes?

Phew. I did not take this as a given. Thing looked expensive and other than the vault set I wasn’t sure what sets they could re-use next season.

You should read some of the early reviews here, which try so, so hard to like to the show.

I’m not sure I’ve read a single good thing about this show.

Somebody forgot about the Jaguar X-Type, a truly awful car that was basically just a rebadged Ford Mondeo.

It’s also so much of a nothing story — “MJF says people who get famous on social media for seemingly no reason wouldn’t have been famous in the 80s because there was no social media”... Well, he not wrong.

This is getting heavy.

Why are you trying to get the internet to go after Michael J Fox? Does that seem like the right target to you? 

Tesla gives you a 2 minute timer to exit the vehicle before the software update begins, fyi.

I don’t think he’s talking about Timothee Chalamet. I think he means more YouTubers and TikTokers and other such “influencers” who are “famous” because they do a dance or model a piece of clothing.

Sounds more like this “TikToker” wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

So you’re saying she’s single.

This pudgy, sweaty, bespectacled internet commenter will finally take his shot! 

Breasts are not porn.