
My riding buddies make a yearly summer pilgrimage to Motorcycle Mecca, otherwise known as The Tail of the Dragon. On this fateful trip I brought my Triumph Scrambler. I decided I would buck the trend of riding on the Dragon followed by sitting ‘n bullshitting at the Overlook or Crossroads of Time (rinse and repeat, as

“But this car was never about exceptionalism, it’s about versatility.”

The worlds most dangerous race? The Isle of Man would like to have a word.

I’m pretty sure mouth, throat, and esophagus cancer messes with your physical conditioning.

Put that warranty on the GTI and they’ve got my attention.

My riding buddies make a yearly summer pilgrimage to Motorcycle Mecca, otherwise known as The Tail of the Dragon. On this fateful trip I brought my Triumph Scrambler. I decided I would buck the trend of riding on the Dragon followed by sitting ‘n bullshitting at the Overlook or Crossroads of Time (rinse and repeat, as

Seriously! Noise fatigue is a real thing. Ear plugs are essential on long motorcycle trips filled with droning engine noise and wind howling in your helmet so I’d imagine the CJ is just as bad or worse.

I used to work for one of the major auto insurance companies and credit rating differences was my first thought as well. They rate on education level, as well, where allowed.

Oh, interesting. Was not aware of the 7.5 refresh.

This right here! I’m waiting for this to come out before I replace my current ride (‘11 Fit). I’d just buy a GTI but... reliability skeevies. I know VAG is supposedly a lot better now, just can’t shake that uneasiness.

You should ignore your wife and buy a damn bike. You’ll find some of us over here when you’re good and ready: http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com

Replaced the dash speakers in my first car, a 1991 Geo Tracker. Instead of doing it right, I just spliced in the whole 10ft bundle of wire included with the speaker and jammed it into the dash. Couldn’t figure out why they sounded worse until I took it to a sound shop, where the tech proceeded (rightfully) to make fun

DRZ-400SM! I’m 5'8" and inseam challenged with my stumpy little legs. I can get the balls of my feet down on both sides and a full foot with a little lean. And with the DRZ SM you can get a set of dirt wheels cheap and have a great little all-rounder for not much scratch.

That’s actually kind of interesting... Not that I’m advocating starting forest fires but if you can’t get service, and maybe once the battery is dead, you could try to puncture the battery in an attempt to signal someone.

So, how does this work if I get a battery at Battery Swaps ‘R Us and the next place I go is a British Electron store?

Maybe? You basically just hold it where it starts to grab and the valve takes care of the rest. Try to let it out any faster and it chatters like crazy.

Second gen with a 5 speed. The clutch is just the worst for spirited driving. Apparently it has some kind of auto-release delay valve that makes it easy for regulars easy to drive, but maddening for someone who knows how to properly drive a manual.

The Fiesta drives better (especially that sweet, sweet, ST) and has a nicer interior, but about half the cargo space as the Fit.

As an engaging and fun car to drive, the Fit is a turd. As a reliable, efficient, and moderately comfortable hatchback with a stupid amount of cargo space, it excels. Source: I own one.

Tough shit, pleb. /s