
I know, right? If Malcolm wins, he'll probably have Probst helping him . . . all because he was the best in eating gross stuff. While I can't see Probst as a "top," he probably likes switching things up. And if you're saying, "Dude, Cochran won!"? Probst isn't going to polish his pole.

Anybody else think the gross food challenge was brought back so Probst could see alpha males down gross stuff?

Probst would lop off Dawn's head with a machete before that happens. And if she won, she'd get five seconds at the Reunion before Probst moved away from her.

Corrine isn't better than Phillip. She's as big a bitch as Phillip. I'd like to find a black hole and kick 'em both in it.

Gotta disagree. Remember how the "Horsemen" got blindsided? Here's an account of that, complete with sweet GIFs. Also: Yau-Man was so cute. Like a cartoon turtle come to life that could break boxes on their edge.

My go-to insult is that he couldn't lead mentally impaired kids to an unmarked van. Really, whom should I be more pissed: Phillip for being an asshole, or the rest of his tribe for not sending him away? Seriously, the man pushed Brandon over the edge. While it wasn't that big of a push, Phillip is not someone I'd want

Tom Westman was The Man. Why didn't he win Heroes Vs. Villains? Oh, right . . . because his tribe booted him for a hobbled James. Yes, the Villains tribe was home to stupidity as well, but I'm sure Tom would've whipped Rob's overrated ass.

I think Probst loves this season because the four big males — Eddy, Erik, Malcolm, Reynold — make it to Day 38. This is pure speculation on my part . . . Probst loves alpha males, and he's not afraid to show it. For instance: when he ranked seasons going into Heroes Vs. Villains, he ranked Fiji as one of the worst . .

Jack Spade. And good thing I CTRL-F'd "Sucka," or I would've posted on Keenan Ivory Wayans channeling Rambo in I'm Gonna Git You Sucka. BTW, whatever happened to Keenan? Did his siblings consume him or something?

Perfect dog for Pam. Can't stick him with Cheryl . . . she's already has one pet that gets neglected.

Courtney had screentime. She was Sandra's BFF on the Villains' tribe, and she was awesome to watch when she was on the jury.

"Confessional killer"? You must mean Courtney. Corrine has no redeeming qualities about her. Only thing she has on Courtney is that she doesn't look like she needs a meal as badly. That's more concern about Courtney . . . .girl was basically skin, bones and snark.

Welcome to the Corrine experience, Carrie. Seriously . . . Survivor: Gabon. Watch it and recoil. Personally, I think Corrine and Phillip deserve each other, because they both suck so hard.

Dude . . . this was an "F" episode if I ever saw one. How bad? Well, remember the guy who skydived (skydove?) from low orbit? Okay, imagine the same guy dropping an "F" from that altitude, and imagine the crater it would make on impact. That bad an episode.

You can't kill a Flash. Okay, you can negate a Flash if you're Dan Didio, but Flashes are known to bounce back. My pet fanwank: since Impulse left from forty years in the future, he left a void of sorts . . . that can only be filled by Wally. In a revised future. Or something.

Given how Malory is a complete bitch, and her son is more ego than man . . . could there be a season-long plot where somebody comes in, swipes ISIS out from under Malory, kicks her and Archer out, and the main result is morale at an all-time high and Lana compentantly running things? I mean, I wouldn't want it to be

I'm smiling thinking of the bears knocking out the guard and typing on the keypad. "Smart bears." "Too smart."

Most insane intro sequence: Loiter Squad or The Eric Andre Show? Tough call between somebody yelling "I LIKE CHEESE" and Andre destroying a set like he's on meth.

Must have missed that. And I bet people rooted for his buildings to collapse because hewas that big of a choad.

I meant overrated through the praise I saw for it in this area. It's one of those "Are We Watching The Same Show?!?" things, if that makes sense.