
Overrated show. "Jon" as Homer Simpson? That's really pushing it. In terms of live-action [as] programming, I would take Childrens Hospital and NTSF:SD:SUV:: over this. And Saul Of The Mole Men, but I'm weird like that. Plus, any show with Dana Snyder gets a nice bump.

Jon Dalton, Russell Hantz, Philip Shepherd, the Horsemen Alliance, Lisi, Naonka Dixon, Corrine, Crystal Cox, "Purple Kelly," Osten . . . and Shamar is the worst out of 26 seasons? Okay, then.

I knew it was Maria Bamford. The voice didn't match up, but she's got range. She was in my neck of the woods on Monday, but I didn't go to see her perform, and I kinda hate myself for it. And, of course, her character loves pugs.

Am I foolish  for not insisting Shamar be crapped upon for his stint on the show?

I should be watching this, shouldn't I? I'm only familiar with Mike White through his two runs with his father on The Amazing Race. Very nice guys.

Sometimes, you don't have to take Batman stuff seriously. I enjoy this episode a lot. Including the goat. ESPECIALLY the goat. I'm betting the voice actors cracked up more than usual.

In Philip's world? Jesus. Or God. Take your pick.

Should I read into how Comedy Central doesn't rerun the episode at 12:30? Last week, I have to DVR it around 4:30 a.m.

Philip: Colonial Kurtz
Brandon: Section 8 II: Section 9
Erik: Ice Cream Solider
Cochran: Paper Genius
Dawn: Betty White's Classmate (she is 40, after all)
Malcolm: He Who Feels Probst's Tongue In His Butt
Corrine: MegaCunt 5000 (seriously, just because we haven't seen her be horrible doesn't mean she's atoned)

IMO, Erica Durance sucked. I think she might have been the worst Lois ever. Teri Hatcher could've played Lois as Susan Meyer in Lois & Clark, and she would've done a better job than Durance. Right now, the biggest thing in her favor is, "Hey, at least she's not on a crap CW drama ripping off old-school cult TV."

First season of Smallville. Nothing to be ashamed of.

Man,  all Kryptonite was bad. While SV ran off the rails around the fourth or fifth season, at least the writers had something by turning Green K into the transforming deus ex macchina each week. "Plot rocks," as Omar G. of TWoP would call 'em, or "Premise stones" if you're English. Seriously, that show wouldn't have

Last night, I was figuring that Ray didn't actually screw Cyril in "Paternity Suit," because we didn't actually see it.

I'm thinking that if we didn't see it, it might not have happened. Ditto with Pam several minutes earlier in the same episode. I would count Cyril/Pam in "Heart of Archness," though . . . but not Malory/Cyril in "Movie Star."

In my mind, Todd, I don't think Ray raped Cyril in "Paternity Suit." I keep thinking about doing a chart on all the sex among ISIS workers, and I figure Ray probably messed with Cyril . . . because I wouldn't be comfortable shoehorning the gay guy into that hole. [/Phrasing]

Carrie . . . Corrine was a cunt. I should be sorry for using that word, but I'm not. People crap on Randy all the time from Gabon, but he wasn't evil. He was just really, really, REALLY grouchy. Corrine's sins culminated with her speech to Sugar. It was so vile, Sugar would have been justified in ripping her face off.

I'm someone who watches whose memories aren't separated by season, and who doesn't see the show as declining into the abyss. So I have to ask: did Alfred Hitchcock strolling out of the TARDIS and breakdancing save this episode from an F?

It's a deal where one-minute cartoons are made; some are one-and-done, others are serials, like "Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld." In this case, it's an Eighties-flavored Vibe breakdancing. And I don't think it was made in conjunction with his upcoming spinoff comic, where DC tries to make up coming up with a fiery

Gilbert Gottfried, Superman: The Animated Series. Or was that a rhetorical question?

Solomon Grundy was on Smallville? When? I can't imagine . . . a lot of it is a blur to me years after it ended.