
Funny because The Munsters were created by the people who created Leave it to Beaver.

Wait, are you saying the 80s had the best comedy? I have to disagree with that in a big way, I mean music and fashion and art, sure, movies, kind of (at least independents), but as far as comedy goes I think the 80s was really a time where people stuck with the tried-and-true.

Wait, are you saying the 80s had the best comedy? I have to disagree with that in a big way, I mean music and fashion and art, sure, movies, kind of (at least independents), but as far as comedy goes I think the 80s was really a time where people stuck with the tried-and-true.

Yeah but it was supposed to be something with Tony that fizzled and didn't go anywhere. Her purpose was to be a wedge between Tony and Christopher, not to be Tony's comare.

Yeah but it was supposed to be something with Tony that fizzled and didn't go anywhere. Her purpose was to be a wedge between Tony and Christopher, not to be Tony's comare.

Do you even know what "politically correct" means?

Do you even know what "politically correct" means?

Come on, Tony is a mob boss with a small cadre of soldiers and he was tipped off to Phil's location. Likewise New York has tons of anonymous soldiers, and Tony's not being very careful because he thinks the danger has passed.  Besides mobsters whacking each other is just what they do, and what seems implausible is

Come on, Tony is a mob boss with a small cadre of soldiers and he was tipped off to Phil's location. Likewise New York has tons of anonymous soldiers, and Tony's not being very careful because he thinks the danger has passed.  Besides mobsters whacking each other is just what they do, and what seems implausible is

Yeah, Tony didn't care about Julianna. It was Chris not showing proper deference to him that was the affront.

Yeah, Tony didn't care about Julianna. It was Chris not showing proper deference to him that was the affront.

Your theory blows, son.

Your theory blows, son.

Yeah I see it much more likely that he'd go on the run. I think as long as he left Carmella a pile of money he'd be able to disappear with a clean conscience.

Yeah I see it much more likely that he'd go on the run. I think as long as he left Carmella a pile of money he'd be able to disappear with a clean conscience.

Neither poisoning holds up to scrutiny, especially Walt and the boy- I'm willing to accept a lot going on offscreen if it's something that I can accept as plausible, but I don't really buy that a really scary looking middle aged guy was able to get such easy access to a toddler, much less get him to ingest a poison

Neither poisoning holds up to scrutiny, especially Walt and the boy- I'm willing to accept a lot going on offscreen if it's something that I can accept as plausible, but I don't really buy that a really scary looking middle aged guy was able to get such easy access to a toddler, much less get him to ingest a poison

I dunno, maybe because all the people involved don't want their failures out there to be mocked by the likes of us?

I dunno, maybe because all the people involved don't want their failures out there to be mocked by the likes of us?

Adam West and James Woods aren't all that odd of choices considering they're reprising their guest spots on the Simpsons.