
Off the top of my head, The Good Wife and The Practice are both about defense lawyers and I'm sure there's more.

Off the top of my head, The Good Wife and The Practice are both about defense lawyers and I'm sure there's more.

Satire and parody are very different things. I think just about every time you said "satire" there you meant "parody."

Satire and parody are very different things. I think just about every time you said "satire" there you meant "parody."

I don't think that's as good of a point as you think it is. Liking an actor in one thing, and hoping they make more of that thing, doesn't mean you want to see them playing almost the exact same role in a dozen other movies.

I don't think that's as good of a point as you think it is. Liking an actor in one thing, and hoping they make more of that thing, doesn't mean you want to see them playing almost the exact same role in a dozen other movies.

Well, one was a literary titan and the other played Zeus, so I can see where you might get them confused.

Well, one was a literary titan and the other played Zeus, so I can see where you might get them confused.

Brady Bunch Movie isn't canon.

Brady Bunch Movie isn't canon.

What about when the Cro-Mags, Agnostic Front, Scott Ian of Anthrax and John Oates were on that harrowing episode of Archie Bunker's Place where he killed Rocky Diamond at CBGBs?

What about when the Cro-Mags, Agnostic Front, Scott Ian of Anthrax and John Oates were on that harrowing episode of Archie Bunker's Place where he killed Rocky Diamond at CBGBs?

Yes this is one of those episodes that doesn't quite stand out as a classic ala Marge vs. the Monorail or the fucking masterpiece that is to come next week, I believe, with I Love Lisa, but it's just solid and funny throughout. Like, say, Marge on the Lam or the PTA Disbands.

Yes this is one of those episodes that doesn't quite stand out as a classic ala Marge vs. the Monorail or the fucking masterpiece that is to come next week, I believe, with I Love Lisa, but it's just solid and funny throughout. Like, say, Marge on the Lam or the PTA Disbands.

I missed the whole story on that, or was it ever told?

I missed the whole story on that, or was it ever told?

My wife is a slut.

My wife is a slut.

August 29th, he would have been only 56 years young. So sad, so sad..

August 29th, he would have been only 56 years young. So sad, so sad..