
This is sort of the way the system works in South Korea, sadly. "No" is not enough. They can basically say it's clear the victim didn't consent, but it doesn't rise to the level of 'forcible rape,' so no conviction.

I usually played the cleric or priest despite being an atheist.

Select bun -> add condiments -> add brat.
Maybe that makes me a heathen, but I suspect I earn that title because I also don't like sauerkraut.

Opening a can of cat food was one of the things that set me off after my older girl died a few years ago. It was the only kind of food she'd eat at the end, and I had a few cans left and two other cats, so I was using it up. Cracked the can, the smell hit me, and I burst into tears.

There's been an uptick, I think, in people claiming their pet is an 'emotional support animal,' which a lot of places treat the same as a service animal and think it's illegal to deny them entry (or they just don't know and won't risk trouble over it), so they don't fight it.

Non-adorable things on Imgur often include a pet tax - something adorable at the end to lessen the existential dread.

This also had echoes of Spirited Away for me.

Whereas when I was in high school, our family dog would stand facing a corner of the dining room in our old farm house surrounded by corn fields and bark at nothing we could see.

And yet if someone on the left does it, people like this idiot undoubtedly blame them for getting themselves sick and call them moochers and leeches and worse.

It might buy her a couple of months of COBRA coverage, though that assumes she had insurance through Breitbart to begin with.

Not in this context no sir I do not want to see a talking dog at all. Shut up I'm not crying!

Look up Critical Role on youtube. 3-4 hour D&D sessions with a bunch of voice actors. Highly entertaining. There's a beholder in there eventually, even!

That's what happens when you roll a 1, man. You reach to hit enter but your arm has a muscle spasm and instead you backhand the laptop clear across the kitchen.

…are you suggesting that Cheeto Benito is a massive horrifying being of great evil that we all hope falls into a pit and dies?

I don't know what this is, but it seems right.

Probably just the typical Fox News variety of self proclaimed "christian," which is to say he calls himself that but has no idea what it means.

Lawful Good people in the GOP? Pshaw. NG/CG at best, and that's only the ones who truly do seem to mean well.

That one's a remake of a Korean drama. It remains to be seen how faithful it is (aka how many kdrama tropes it keeps).

Is your local cinema on twitter or FB? Do they have a phone number? You could, I dunno, try to contact them to find out if they'll be showing this in your area three whole weeks from now.