That was more about fans of the source material not liking that they turned caustic asshole and blond English Constantine (Constantyne) into melancholy brooding and dark haired American Constantine (Constanteen).
That was more about fans of the source material not liking that they turned caustic asshole and blond English Constantine (Constantyne) into melancholy brooding and dark haired American Constantine (Constanteen).
I'm not on social media, but even I know that's not how it works (unless it's a super lazy troll who only has access to one of your social media accounts). Even then, blocking them is just putting blinders on. They're still out there, either being assholes to other people or spreading garbage about *you* to other…
If only! For the poor souls who actually watched it, it's probably seared into their memories.
/hums FF7 victory theme
Don't worry, Coldstone, I'll save you!
They're more like the Subway of pizza. They build exactly to your specs (with high quality ingredients from what I remember) while you watch. Then you take it home to cook it, find a way to deal with the resulting real cheese based grease puddle on top of the pizza, and dig in.
I don't have a DK to see that one in person, but I do have a warlock and that place is just grey rock and green fire, which suits the class but man, it's both boring and depressing.
I guess that makes sense for warriors, given their specific hall is akin to Valhalla? All vrykul all the time? Which… is not exactly a situation that allows for old world warriors to pop in and give you the thumbs up as their leader. And that sucks. =/ I don't pay nearly as much attention to my other classes, but I…
You probably already know this, but get that shit in writing and do your research on that company and how garnishment works. It could be legit, but there are some nasty scammers out there. Either way, know your rights.
I always recommend Ask A Manager for stuff like this. It's a work environment advice blog with a solid commenting community. Huge archives, and she does open threads on Fridays for readers to ask advice of each other around work stuff, too.
What they do to reinforce the Class Hero idea is partly what I mentioned earlier - despite a bunch of other druids visibly running around my class hall, I'm the only one the NPCs call Archdruid - and partly that you're sending class NPCs off on missions. Most of those NPCs are characters you've known and interacted…
It's a basic suspension of disbelief sort of thing. You're the one true [class champion title], just like you've been the one true hero all along (minus those occasions where major NPCs kill-steal the expansion boss death). Every other character with a player behind it is a nameless adventurer to you. To them, YOU are…
**Note that the latter (mob level scaling) is only true in Legion specific content. And possibly future holiday event content. Maybe. We can hope.
Was that before or after they did all the pre-Legion class revamps? Some specs play *very* differently than they used to - some people hate it, some people love it, as usual.
Resto druid leveling as resto - one of the talents gives you moonkin form and several otherwise moonkin specific spells. It takes a lot of pain out of leveling - it's still not as fast as leveling as balance would be, but it's a long sight better than /moonfire /wrath spam that resto would otherwise be stuck with.
I did, with a friend. Got to our seats, realize we just passed my brother's roommate and his family. So that's at least five people, and there were other people there too!
BM hunter, enh shaman, fire mage, aff lock, and resto/balance druid.
Doomhammer is enhancement.
It was mostly bugging me that there are prof quests all over the place but they encourage the 'clear one zone at a time' questing philosophy by literally asking you to decide where you want to go first (which is probably before you even have your first prof quests!), so it took ages to get all of the early recipes…