
For some damned reason it's not showing at the theatre 2min from my home, but it IS playing at another theatre from the same chain all the way across town along with another chain that's also, but not quite AS far, across town.
I really want to see this, but that means I have to roll my lazy AND sleep

He was on an alliteration spree and couldn't stop.

He's even highly entertaining as Covetous Shen in Diablo III.

The alternative is riding the nopetopus.

I solve this problem by being a humorless ogre. The people around me just don't ever put me and dating in the same mental space and my mom leaves me alone because she got grandkids from her older daughter.

I wish they'd spent 10 years making a CGI film that matches the quality in their game trailers. Still holding out some level of hope for this movie, and I'll probably end up seeing it because I still play and know other people who do and we'll psych each other up around the release.

Complete with irritation that right after you posted dozens of glyphs, someone undercut all of them by 2c each.

I do that. My voice is rather low (I'm not just an alto in choir!), but when I get agitated, it goes higher and higher depending on how upset I am. My going joke is that eventually I'm going to get so mad about something that people won't be able to hear me but the local dogs will start barking.

That last sentence alone explains it, but I appreciate the detail of just how classy they're not.

My boss can't get his mind around the fact that I don't enjoy Maron's podcast or show. He has convinced himself it's right up my alley because Maron has cats and talks about them. Which… good for him and I'm glad he loves his cats, but I don't listen to podcasts or watch TV shows to be more depressed at the end of

Not just the divorce proceedings, I think, but any other lawyer situation. Have him there as a 'consultant' to get people to confess or influencing jurors or any number of things that could win her a lot of cases and make her The Best Lawyer In the World.

I think a lot of fans were secretly hoping the live action was a very extensive trolling job by Blizzard and the trailer would actually be for the CGI movie people have hoped for about since the very first WoW trailer was released.

Yeah, Romijn made her a villain but I still felt sympathetic for her when Mags left her behind. Comic Mystique never really earned any sympathy; she was always too manipulative and unfeeling (beyond obsessing after getting Rogue to pay attention to her). But at least both were clearly villains and neither seemed like

Romijn's Mystique was just much closer to comic book Mystique, ie Team Villain and not at all conflicted about it.

I laughed and then felt bad about myself.

I agree with you - I'm just trying to throw out ideas for why she'd oppose Cap. I could see her genuinely thinking that going public would be best for everybody in the long run, but I could also see her publicly aligning with Tony's side to actually damage his argument (russian spy just changing sides yet again,

Might have something to do with her having laid all her cards on the table at the end of Cap 2 in a government hearing. She doesn't have any secrets anymore, so maybe she thinks it's a better idea for everybody to come equally clean?

Well, the weather on Azeroth IS getting worse. What with all the Maelstroms and the smog enough to hide an entire continent and now this felstorm… the world is just going straight to the twisting nether and all these burning towns aren't helping.

The movie isn't adhering to existing lore.

Arthas, then Deathwing (with an earlier raid tier cameo by Ragnaros with legs) in Cataclysm, then Garrosh in Pandaria, then a bunch more orcs in Warlords.