
Do note that one of the areas the orcs head into looks like Westfall, and it's *already* on fire. Poor Westfall. There's an ocean to one side and a river to the other and they can't put out those fires anymore than people on Day 2 of the Hallow's End event in Goldshire can. /sigh

Look no further than the quests for each faction around Camp Taurajo.

Fanchants are great, but that doesn't stop the dolphin screams. Nothing really stops the dolphin screams.

Yeah, the fandoms in SE Asia are intense, even if you don't count the ones who are more like horrible obsessive stalkers than regular buy-the-music-maybe-go-to-a-concert fans.

You're not alone.

I flipped through a bunch of the collections. I'd estimate I've watched half of them on Netflix, and there are others I've seen on Netflix but haven't watched yet.

I'm remaining True Neutral on this, which mostly means I remember how terrible the last one was, so while a reboot just can't possibly be (much) worse, even if it's significantly better it could still be pretty bad.

Oh, I dunno. His backstory with the Guilds could go toward a decent heist movie, or they could cameo the shit out of some other storyline and go full CGI popcorn spectacle movie with it, but I think either way they'd be better off with an actor that has any charisma at all.

As also a longtime X-Men fan, I certainly do not want this movie starring Channing Tatum.

Mine, too.

He has an interesting backstory. Iirc, his history with Sinister and the Marauders and the Morlocks was in the main comic line (and the animated show, I think?), but the rest of it is basically all in the various Gambit mini-series comics, and nobody really cares about any of the solo X-Men title books other than

Safe to say this really is both things.

It's working.

Not if you sign up for the guild raid in the calendar like we keep telling you to, GEEZ.

And people asking about Mankrik's Wife.

That or he's really tired from renewing buffs one at a time on the entire army.

Right, it has a significant playerbase in China and Southeast Asia. Even if it doesn't do great domestically, it will probably pick up major box office overseas.

Subscription costs don't stop the entitled crowd from sitting around in Trade and spamming useless crap in WoW.

WoW isn't really an 'open' world. Outside of the low level zones (1-60), characters are all basically funneled through the same zones and quests, so everybody's getting the same plot points. Expansions to the game all have an over-arching storyline.

The new Terminator movie. And also Spartacus (as Varo).