
They literally list the evidence in the Twitlonger and multiple TOs from different organizations have since corroborated it. 

The author of the post must have really limited gaming experience if Octopath is the best comparison they can make here

How does this look anything like Octopath Traveler?

I’m squinting really hard and having trouble seeing how this looks even remotely like Octopath Traveler. I guess they both have medieval-ish settings? Is that it?

This looks really cool, but I don’t like the use of “Duel Corps is ...”, “Can be played as” when the game isn’t even out yet.

There’s a worrying lack of perspective on this in some of the subreddit comments too. There are people very bitter that their ships have been nerfed and now they have “years of hard work wasted”.

I like the idea of exploring the galaxy and finding abandoned factories/mines from a past boom.

Based on the header photo alone, and not reading the article, I’m going to believe that Matt Damon has an evil twin that specializes in cheating at chess.

Thinking about this far harder than Amy of the parties involved actually did...

The PS1/Saturn/N64 era of hardware was under-utilized because developers were still learning C and similar code for 3D modeling. There are videos of someone (I forget who, should be easy to find) optimizing Mario 64 with modern C methods to get the same game running at 60fps on original hardware. A lot of it is simply

“Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with the fatal shooting of two men in August 2020, when he fired at unarmed protestors during civil unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin” That’s not really what actually happened, though. He got chased by Joseph Rosenbaum who tried to take his gun, and he fired on him in a panic to try and stop