
According to who, exactly? That's the first time I've seen "lots of fighting" be part of the popular definition for "anime". Most folks consider any Eastern/Asian-style cartoon to be "anime", regardless of its actual content.

Kinda, but not really. You can run 2x8 GB in one pair of slots for 16 GB dual channel and an extra 4 GB or 8 GB stick in one of the slots in the other pair for a total of 20 GB or 24 GB of RAM. 32 GB isn’t necessarily “the only next step up from 16 GB” like this guy claims.

The information in your comment really should've made it into the article too. Kotaku needs to step up and provide actual reporting on newsworthy events instead of just parroting back PR statements.

You seem to have missed the very important part where Nintendo is saying they never asked Smash World Tour to cancel events in 2022, implying that they would have been fine if they had continued unlicensed, which SWT disputes. No doubt that the actual communications between Nintendo and SWT are under NDA which means

Remove the game and let’s do a litmus test....without Smash, would SWT go on (let’s say they played Brawlhalla)? No? Oh, so it means they do need the Nintendo IP and associated visibility? So they are trying to profit from Nintendo’s IP without obtaining a licensing agreement?”

with as many issues that have popped up I’m surprised it’s taken this long for Nintendo to axe official licensing for tournaments”

I can understand being upset about story spoilers, but come on, this is hardly significant. There's no important context or build-up that missing here that's going to reduce the impact of knowing this information. I'm sure that finding this out in the game would give you the same feeling as reading it in a headline.

yeah but that's more words

yeah but the lighting is similar xd 

lol the lighting is similar and the models have pixel art textures, that's about it.

It’s only 4,000 XP, not 40,000 like your article states. Do you need a copy editor on staff? I’m currently looking for easy work.

While I agree with your comments I think the reason people are complaining is because you can now modify an existing normal mode save to have easier rules and creative mode settings. As far as I know, there was no way to swap between normal and creative modes on a save prior to this update, and No Man’s Sky separates

“Part of gaming is the fantasy that hard work pays off. Hard work not paying off is the real life thing people are trying to escape from.”

Agreed. Do people just not spend a minute or two researching a game before buying it these days? The scene is shown in the first trailer on the store page and the section clearly labelled “MATURE CONTENT DESCRIPTION” includes “Player is able to harm and kill themselves as well as be damaged and killed by their

I fully expect them to walk this back before launch in the exact same way they did with the first MW reboot with the exact same issue.

The joke here is that some consoles come with compartments for expansion devices (GameCube, PS2) and some people would hide weed in there. It’s an actual thing so it isn’t that strange of a thing to say.

lmao I see it. It's Matt Damon's face with Leonardo DiCaprio's smile 

the difference is that women at the pool don't offer to do jumping jacks for $5

We know Nintendo is making Metroid 4.”

Wait until they find out that the game is already like this if your computer or console is set to use a Middle Eastern locale, which is all this mod actually did under the hood. Might as well ban the entire game for having a "homophobic" mode baked-in.