Ya Feet Stink


It wasn’t just the guitar sound in Surfin USA, it was pretty much the whole song.

You sound like the father from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Everything is from ancient Greece, including homosexuality.

Noodles are a Chinese thing. How they got to Europe is easy considering the Silk Road and middlemen such as Arab or Indian traders.

It seems you missed the starting point. The problem is not that the music is inspired by R’n’B, the problem here is that she is using a specific form of language associated with black people. Inflections, modulations of speech patterns for which again, black people are ridiculed, dismissed, ostracized. Why is she

Italians got pasta from the Chinese....remember Marco....Polo....?

Eh...like/dislike of everything is subjective, but if we didn’t apply some level of standard to art then we wouldn’t have any awards shows, ratings charts, assessment of high-brow vs low-brow, etc.

Black/African people are used to white/European people thieving their shit. It’s white/European people that delude themselves with all this tribute and cultural exchange nonsense.

Sure thing, my criticism is with their complaints about being misunderstood or criticized in their genre. Like actually complaining and woe is me-ing about it. I have no clue how their popularity should be handled, I also am not the music police, so who can make it and what they use to express them selves is not in my

That’s not the argument. The argument is that white people can make crappy versions of black music and be successful, when talented black musicians would never get that radio play. Because white people find black music more palatable when it’s washed down by mediocre white people apparently. See: Meagan Trainor,

That song came out 6 years ago in 2010 when the lovely willow was 9 years old. I could be wrong but I think it was played due to nepotism. So think again. Do you have any more examples.

Macklemore def doesn’t have a “blaccent,” I think they were just invoking him in terms of less-talented, more-popular, white performer.

The truth is that the black American is the most copied individual in the world. Everyone wants to be like him/her but ignore the social pressures they might face. That’s what makes the whole I’m paying tribute, not stealing! garbage sounds so inauthentic and thieverish.

Or is the problem that his white-boy-stitck is actually more successful than genuine black hip-hop artists?

White people shouldn’t get to make bad rap music and be as popular—or even more popular—than talented black artists.

When was the last time you heard a 13 year old black girl on the radio?

You’re not stupid. It's because LA Reid wants you to believe it.

White Brits (who in migration become Americans, Canadians, Aussies and New Zealanders) have had a long tradition of pillaging the Africanized cultural treasure chest. Things like punk, often described as a white working class genre, have a foundation in the yardie culture of Jamaicans and the accompanying sound of