Ya Feet Stink

And they are still giving the First Lady hell for no reason. When news came out that Melania plagiarized part of her speech, I saw a friend’s mother post on FB that she didn’t care about the copying because Melania had a “better speaking voice” than the First Lady.

And to slip this in (hopefully) before the “she’s only his spouse, none of this matters” crowd, let’s remind ourselves of how the right went after Michele Obama for the “real reason” she surrendered her law license, or Hilary Clinton for her legal work, her clothing choices, her hairstyle, you name it.

In this case

I don’t know why should would leave this educational experience off her CV:

I think it is the pattern of lying that is a problem. The maybe lying about the visa timeline and this.

Here’s an update from Variety. They say they spoke to the accuser’s brother

Parker was only found not guilty because the victim admitted that they had consensual sex THE DAY BEFORE.

Nate Parker isn’t really interested in equity; he’s interested in privileging black masculinity and himself. It’s really ugly and I’m not here for it. If your pro-Blackness isn’t pro-woman, pro-queer, pro-trans, pro-disability, it is NOT pro-Blackness; you just want to oppress as you yourself were oppressed.

Well, for me it was the testimony of the third man in the apartment that night, Kangas. I could hardly get through the trial transcript. He testified that the victim wasn’t moving and didn’t have her eyes open while his friends were “having sex” with her. Kangas watches for awhile (after Parker waves him in to observe)

That explains why he thought he was innocent at the time, but that actually made it harder, not easier for the victim. It’s not a mitigating factor in the least.

I ... it troubles me ... okay a lot of things about this trouble me, but what really sticks in my mind right this second is that she was so distraught, she attempted suicide, but all he can talk about right now is how this is affecting his life.

I am so massively disappointed it’s not Tyrese. That dude sucks.

It’s just gonna be weird in the fall because I’m so used to Jason, the white one, and Norman, the black one whenever she needs a segue into some other nonsensical story about nonsense.

Her father went to an HBCU didn’t he? She knows exactly what she’s doing, pandering to ignorance and racism for ratings. I hope the fired staff start talking, but she probably had them signed NDAs. If she didn’t, I’d love to see someone chat with those guys.

This sounds like a coverup to me. I assume what actually happened is that she unhinged her jaw, stretched her mouth open to the size of a manhole cover, and then seized these staffers with her tentacles, shoving their bodies whole into her gaping maw, later regurgitating their bones and clothes in compact pellets.

She is not ‘whip smart’. She makes a lot of offensive and shitty comments about a lot of people and groups of people. Sure you can say that she’s just ‘stirring up controversy’ but that is not smart to me. It’s just being an asshole and I don’t know why she’s applauded for it.

My case, she is resting.

He works for Bieber not the other way around.

What? Why shouldn’t the manager be allowed to drop a client if the client chooses to do something he is strongly against (and/or could possibly hurt his business which I assume is generally liberal/anti-Trump)?

A poorly behaved Canadian pop star seems like a really weird choice for a GOP event. Was Ted Nugent busy?