
How was this person "acting all strange"? Because he was talking to white people?

Apparently, only black people have to dress in their Sunday best to get some respect. White people can still dress how they want! Lol :(

A handful of years ago, my marriage was ending. I sacrificed a lot of myself for the sake of our relationship because that's what I thought you did when you got married; I wanted him to be happy. Ultimately, because we weren't well suited for each other from the get-go, we started to have problems. He solved the

"Maybe the movement needs a little less activism from you, and a little more calculated dealing. That is, after all, what you signed up for, and what the people elected you to do."

He's looking like a crushed out cigarette these days.

I enrolled my kiddo in a new preschool. The lady who runs it has her shit squared away; on the intake paperwork she wrote that if you aren't into vaccinating your kids, you need to find another place to take them.

This makes me sad. I've always been rooting for her.

I got into a whole bunch of trouble at work and I was summoned to Portland, OR to answer for my supposed crimes. While I was at the airport gate waiting for my flight I noticed I was sitting across the way from Patti Smith and her assistant. He was lugging around her guitar. I overheard her on the phone talking to

Don't forget Polio too; I mean, it's their right to get it. And as far at the Paleo thing goes, sometimes you got some food, sometimes you didn't. I sure hope that the kiddies are eating two servings a day of grubs and grasshoppers and sucking that marrow out of the dead, uncooked critter.


Good for you! I don't think kids this age should be sexin' for a bunch of reasons.

Or Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney?

Fucking A. Payday bars here we come.

This is the wrong site. I think you're looking for Tinfoil Hat News.

Goddamn, the situation with Sherri Shepherd, her husband and the surrogate is sad as shit. Jesus Christ on toast, someone help that baby out.

What's going on here with this dress?

I've thought about doing this but have not for three reasons: my ex, and his new wife (whom he cheated with when we were married) do not care.

This is huge.

I love it. I've been stressing about a relationship (or rather, the lack of one) and this exactly what I needed to hear.

"I thought of all the things I wanted from a partner and became that person myself."