
Well yeah, i mean just driving through that proves that his IQ is pretty low. I was kinda hoping he would have killed his truck or ran into a fire hydrant/cement barrier when he was driving around not even knowing where the road is at.

A boat does not displace as much water as a giant H1, and those boast go at a crawl to keep from causing a huge wake possibly pushing people underwater.

When your house/busineess was on the brink of flooding then a giant wake caused by a bro H1 comes rushing in im sure you’d be pretty pissed too.

Im sure all the cars and businesses loved it when a big ass hummer drove by causing a huge wake and pushing more water into them.

according to my friend thats how to world works where there are no variables in finances and that everything is a constant. Also living paycheck to paycheck is ok as long as you have like $500 in the bank.

but thats 30k pre tax, after tax its probably likw 23-25k per year, which is enough to scrape by. Barely enough for rent and utilities. good luck getting a car note with that income. In Austin Tx, the avg rent for a 1 bed is like $900, some are cheaper but i hope you like roaches and getting your car broken into.

Nope, its your fault i got this new GTR for 1200/month and only make 2000/month.

evo 8/9 > evo 10

“not all men have what it takes to own a Mustang”

its a matrix, you should just replace the whole car.

i live about an 1 1/2 hrs away from Austin or else id would definitely do it. I have an evo 8 but its being made more into a straight line vehicle and probably wouldn’t fair so well on the turns.

I been to driveway austin once years back for a car meet on the track. I would love to actually drive on it.

I stand corrected, just tested it myself

Guess i didn’t really specify, and technically changing the name of the file should change the md5sum.

1. Save a jpeg

I like it, better than the other car shows we have. Im looking at you fast and loud, counting cars, street outlaws...

it adds compression, save a jpeg as a different name and do that 100 times. The quality of the original will be much better than the final version.

because people that dont know what they are doing save jpeg as a jpeg then again as a jpeg. Compression over time kills picutures

I am talking about the early days of wii online and the DS

Trust me, with the new ranking system they have your first few games will be with people that play like its their first time playing a game.