“ Putting in 93 octane in your car will make it have more power and run cleaner” Yes because more octane automatically means more power, no tuning required.
“ Putting in 93 octane in your car will make it have more power and run cleaner” Yes because more octane automatically means more power, no tuning required.
Its only an A5, so its not like its some mega cool car.
They are valets, their job is to park cars. Not have fun in them.
Im staying in downtown houston next week at a hotel that only has valet parking....RIP my Audi i guess =[
God i would love a modern day rise of nations
Well he is technically correct, 63,000 is over 49,000.
Yep! Thats them.
I remember the commercials for that game that had snuggie the bear getting ripped up by the tanks. My 5 year old sister cried every time she saw that commercial.
The “Army Men” series were very fun for the day =[ Most of the 3DO games were pretty fun and they kept my 12 year old self entertained for hours
3DO made plenty of games in the ps1/n64 era
Looks just like an evo 8 steering wheel and gauge cluster
AYY two worlds ima let you finish, but de_dust2 is the best multiplayer map of all time. ALL TIME!
I guess if you like settling for less then go ahead.
What happens when there is nothing you can do to fix the game but wait for a patch on consoles, yet on pc you can change a few settings a be ok? I mean i understand why you said that comment, so you can start a battle in this big pc vc consoles war.
didnt mean to come off as a dick, it was early in the morning and at work. im not a happy man in the mornings at work.....
What is the point of having a mega fast multicore processor in a phone? Call and text faster? Play angry birds better? Like i really dont see why we need mega fast CPU’s when the phones are already snappy enough. What we need are super efficient processors with a long battery life. I could care less that my A9…
I dont think you understand the brainless mentality of mobile game users. They will gladly pay .99 cents for a better dress in that game. Multiply that by thousands and thousands a day as well. Mobile gaming is the new get rich quick scheme in the tech world. Develop some shit game thats has a in game currency in…
This is some gay shit forever alones post on facebook to come off as “tough”
Same here, there is something about 90's styling of cars that i love, these new cars are just too “designed by a 13 year old” even old cars like the r32 gtr I used to think looked bad, but now that ive gotten older i can appreciate the simplicity in its design and still see the beauty behind it.
SteamOS would be the equivalent of MS letting users install the XB1 os on their pcs to make it like a console. SteamOS is just a linux distro that connects to the steam market. No one is forced to use it and not using it will not impact you negatively.