
my 2010 A5 has the screen integrated into the dash and its quite nice. I too hate the added on tablet look a lot of companies are doing. It looks tacky and cheap and makes it seem like designers added in last minute. “we forgot the screen!” “oh well lets just throw on this tablet looking device and call it a day”

i wasnt sure on the posted limit so i was guessing. Im used to 75mph highways here in texas so i just assumed they were a little lower than ours.

it said they were traveling at 85-90mph, while im sure thats well over the posted speed limit (60-65?) its not double. No freeway is 40mph

hand crafted quest as in liberate this outpost so we can have more control of the island? or the great, take out this leader without being dectected?

And what does far cry 4 have to do with 3?

i know 300 isnt the limit, but if it never drops below 300 then there is really no benefit of getting a stable 600 fps over a stable 300 fps. you wont notice any difference and its all a placebo effect. And yeah some pro players have been playing since the CRT days with 1.6 so they are used to playing at 4:3 and

My 2010 a5 is still kicking fine with no issues. only have 24k miles though.

When i get 300 fps maxed out at 1440p its not needed. If i had a potato pc then sure.

the 4:3 black bars is stupid and they use that because they are either used to it from 1.6 days or want to look leet. Now the giant mouse pad helps because in cs the lower the sensitivity the better and you need a huge mouse pad so your mouse doesnt fall off.

too bad it doesnt make games run better....

Which is what my original comment was implying “Stop finding things funny that i dont find funny!” you dont find it funny so you had to post on here just to tell people that you wish it would die. Now one thing i agree with you is that swatting needs to die, but this ‘meme’ and other short lived memes only last a few

They go hand in hand with each other. You are acting like a fedora wearing neckbeard because this guy got his 15 mins of internet fame and you didnt. Thats the same type of attitude a person who calls in these swatting “praks” has. Mad because somone thats decent looking got famous off a silly internet video and now

Hows that new fedora working out for you? It must accentuate your neckbeard and double chin nicely.

No thats exactly what you are implying. You dont find it funny or at least not anymore, while others do. So you dont think it should be around anymore because so and dont understand why its still a thing. Dont worry, these new types of memes die off in less than a month (deez nuts, suh dude,etc..)and the newest dank

See thats the thing, im 26 and i thought the damn Daniel thing was pretty funny. Why? because it makes no sense, just some dude with a feminine voice complimenting another dude. I mean yeah in a month everyone will have forgotten about this video, but for now this is the latest dank meme and its actually funny unlike

You’re thinking of lifted diesel bro trucks....

They need to make a sequel to postal 2 (yes i know postal 3 exists, but RWS didnt make it and that game is trash) Postal 2 was very fun back in the day when it first came out, and i remember all the controversy it caused which just made my 14 yr old self want to play the game even more. A proper Postal 2 sequel thats

Thanks! ill have to give that a try. Now if only there was a way to block pandora adds on the go. They are blocked at home,but in my car i have to suffer.

His act will get old, i feel like he peaked before the youtube red thing and now its just too late. Its the same story all the time, big corporation sees that something is popular and wants to blow it up, but they usually get involved too late and its a downhill fight from there. If anything he will stop doing youtube

Get used to it because thats the quality most games on consoles will be able to do until the next generation