In the land of the skunks, he who has half a nose is king.
In the land of the skunks, he who has half a nose is king.
His character in the Hunt but toned down like several notches to be believable.
Perhaps that was part of his point with this finale? That the rich privileged have the advantage to move on and make more mistakes, without being held accountable, while the less fortunate are made to suffer in place?
I think because even though Belinda did want financial support, she really needed somebody to believe in her: to motivate and encourage her enough so that she would create her plans for her own wellness spa. She wanted more than just money, she thought she found a partner who genuinely believed in her talents and who w…
This is a very keen observation, one that I think gets overlooked. From the beginning, Quinn is presented as the person least interested in having any such life experiences on this island vacation. So coddled by his parents and obsessively hooked to his devices, there is a satisfaction in seeing genuine passion and a…
It would have been touchingly comic, if Quinn’s Dad had said something like “ah, let him go.” But that would be a melodramatic cop-out, when his parents expressed nothing but complete disinterest in Quinn’s newfound passion.
I think that a cruise would be the perfect setting: public opinion on cruising is at an all-time low: and cruises are perfect encapsulations of privilege meeting the serving class; sailing on a well-oiled capitalism-driven behemoth. Throw in a potentially darkly hilarious COVID outbreak narrative and you’ve got a hit.…
Rachel comes across as a sympathetic character because we only see her in contrast to her detestable husband and his equally elitist mom. Because the two of them are written so insufferably, Rachel’s general innocuousness comes across as relatable, and her eventual realization that she should not be in her marriage…
Exactly: her crisis and resulting depression were mere irritants getting in the way of his “perfect” honeymoon. His shallow nature only allowed him to fixate on addressing the problems that he knows could leverage his wealth and privilege to fix (i.e. his obsession with getting the Pineapple Room). Rachel, to him, is…
Regarding the partying Armond and staff boys - I don’t think they were doing the drugs from the girls’ bag by this scene: Armond and Dillon’s first dalliance featured them doing the girls’ ketamine powder, which resulted in everything slowing down around them (same when the girls indulged on the beach and interacted…
I also think Paula’s insistence for Kai to commit the robbery may have been born more from spite at Olivia and her insufferable family than an actual concern for Kai and his situation. Kai ultimately was manipulated by Paula, who took advantage of a naïve and desperate kid to fulfill her own revenge fantasy.
I think his performance here will likely become the most memorable of the series. I’d give him an Emmy nod for sure.
The President also seems to be learning from Rick to match his abilities: notice how he was able to plan counter-actions for all of Rick’s initial turkey-heist plans, and the fact that his troops had developed an anti-portal force field that they deployed around his house. The President is coming at Rick like Obadiah…
I felt the same way, especially with the turning into turkeys song, as well as the alien reveal - definitely felt like something where the South Park kids would be trying to get their Thanksgiving turkey back or something similarly mundane, while all this over the top apocalyptical stuff happens around them that they…
They also interview the hapless young director of the episode who seemed to almost be smiling behind tears that she had to direct this one.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force has a great 100th episode parodying this precise syndication cash grab.
Nail on the head.
The show has some damn funny bits - sort’ve like the inverse SNL where instead of realizing what the joke is going to be about a minute in, ITYSL sketches often take bizarre, yet somehow internally consistent detours into pure hilarity.
I Care A Lot will hopefully become a cult classic because it is awesome.
This is definitely true: good points.