
What is wrong with you? “Help us find this guy” is code for “inundate this man with harassment, threats, attention, etc.” I can’t imagine sitting in my NYC office thinking “hmm, let’s bother this stranger who was videotaped by a stranger, visibly minding his own business, and intrude upon his life.” Garbage.


Yah, this jumping on people for not being sufficiently accurate about their own experiences because a blogger disagrees with their wielding of a term is not among the best developments.

I read something once that said “if Demi Lovato weren’t famous, she’d be that Sephora manager who needs an attitude adjustment” and I just...I haven’t been able to get over such a perfect way to describe her.

That Flour cookbook is gorgeous, and her chocolate chip cookies are legit the best. The secret is grated chocolate in addition to the chips!

Also, Joanne Chang of Boston won the bakery award—well deserved for her Flour bakeries and at least one cookbook that is legendary in Boston.

Or maybe just link to other articles written about things I wanna read. Eyes lookin atcha again Jia...

There are things you survive. There are things you get over or move past.

Maybe from now on Jezebel should just link out to good pieces about words and how we use them (ahem....Jia.....). This sounds like an interesting read.

Your theory is that Rachel Roy couldn’t have been bullied because she isn’t less powerful than all the Beyonce fans coming after her. Maybe if it was one or two, sure. But when you have hundreds, possibly thousands of her fans coming after one person, guess what - they’re the ones who are more powerful. Right now,

Now playing

Dixie Chicks can cover whatever the hell they want. They have earned their stripes. Blazing hot career destroyed by the right wing and the media for uttering a simple truth.

Well I suppose this beats the typical anti-Hillary crap you usually write, Joanna.

This how I imagine SJP was dressed while going through trash:

Nailed it. He wants to be a special gay snowflake, but he’s just a boring straight dude. Source: I’m a boring straight dude myself.

“We give each other compliments. He’ll say, “You look beautiful,” or “That looks great.” Or I’ll say, “I don’t know about this outfit,” and he’ll say, “No let’s change that.” And I’ll absolutely say to him, “You know what? No T-shirts.” [Laughs]

I say this as a massive Bowie fan, I think people are forgetting that, at his creative height, David Bowie was far from the archetype of good taste and had quite the twisted sense of humor.

This reminds me of people who were upset when the Met used a photograph of a skull mask as the cover of their Alexander McQueen

Yea like what did he say? “Oh I just brag about cheating to the news but I don’t actually cheat.” She believes that shit??? Even if it were true it’s almost worse

“if theres proof of cheating, shed be doing me a favor to post it actually. im not tryna marry a cheater.”

Pretty sure he takes up only with the kind of women who are trying to Oops him.

“That beautifully crafted statement.”