
I think he's still *in between* so to speak. He's definitely not retired old curmudgeon Mike/troll under the err toll booth of last season but he's still not badass fixer Mike of later years either. Marine and police force training probably just give him the natural inclination to be successful in that line of work

Not necessarily. Saul says (paraphrase) "It wasn't me, it was Ignacio", which doesn't inherently imply that Nacho is still kicking. It's Saul trying to save his own skin thinking the lunatics from across the border are coming to finally take him out. Tuco is naturally the kind of fellow to hold a grudge years later

I think that was the point of the Nazis: they were worse than Walt. Inhuman beasts ripped straight from hell and as such not capable of or worthy of any sort of redemption or humanization. Walt wins when you give an inch: from manipulating Jesse (including to kill Gale), to the 'confession' to Hank, to even worming

I can accept it as an aggravating retcon. I recently bingewatched both the 1st season of BCS and BB on Netflix, so I'm perfectly willing to pretend that future Kaylee is a late-teenager instead of 10…seeing as she looks about 10 in 2002.

That I understand-sometimes you just don't know what to expect. Are you enjoying it? After all that's what counts the most, my complaints aside.

Indeed. It's stupid-incredibly so, if you wish to moan then make sure you have reasons to be doing so, and don't get caught up in the common gamer distractions (OMG Anita Sarkeesian is a lying liar), but target the actual problems, the corporations-from EA's inability to be anything but EA to Steam's interesting idea

Why is this accepted? It isn't normal to wait a month or more to pick up a video game-do you wait until a film is on its way out the theatre to purchase a ticket, go to an amusement park for the first time on the last 90 degree day of August-why is the video game entertainment industry different?

Hah, I thought it was a joke-USA drama #139580292738 is so indistinguishable from #257599275 that not even the talents and massive hotness of Matt Bomer can say it.

Such shame you will feel, much words you will no longer speak.

Oh yeah, it's horrid. And Kojima thinks that it's intended to build sympathy judging from his Twitter whine. He's wrong.

And I suppose the irony there is that she's the youngest-by far, the only one still a teenager if at this point only technically (she's 19 according to Wikipedia).

This show is still a thing? As the show progresses, the four lead actresses will grow and grow as increasingly more improbable teenagers/early 20-somethings…especially you already north of 30 Troian Bellisario.

Can we just consider Emma official NXT again? In Full Sail, she actually has a character and even a totally different allegiance than Random Babyface Diva #110028489…this one with the twist of an Aussie accent. I don't think her random appearances on Main Event to lose to Brie Bella or Naomi should make her suffer the

Lucha Underground is a very bad example because it's more of a graphic novel than wrestling show. Cueto is a comic book antagonist who happens to be a wrestling promoter, if the actor who plays him were in a more traditional promotion his charisma would get the character over anyway, but who can say if Cueto would

*ahem* Quiverfull, which is like Mormon but with less Joseph Smith and polygamy, but somehow more spousal abuse and an equal amount of patriarchal nonsense.

I don't think Naomi and Tamina are any different than where the were-faces but only when compared to the Bellas. Otherwise, they are still of course heels (or at least the Divas standard), but more importantly hate Paige (and presumably Charlotte and Becky Lynch) as much as they do the Bellas.

I didn't realize it was a chokeslam until Cole told me it was a chokeslam. I figured Rollins distracted Ambrose long enough for Kane to pull him from the top rope and set up the chokeslam. But no Kane goes for the pin right after, it was weird.

It's not really a heel turn-Charlotte is Charlotte, a truly awful human being that is still loved by the audiences like her father.

If Lolly is an assassin, then she is really good at her job. I am utterly convinced she's a crazy fuck who just happened to be going to the same place as Piper. Mostly harmless but creepy.

Hey Dan, just wondering, if Ol Frothy comes back to my great state of Pennsylvania for another of his 4-year ego trips or else to campaign for Toomey, what should I throw at him? I was thinking tomato soup that expired in 2004, or perhaps a really stinky cheese, or perhaps a shoe that is a 30-70 split between footwear