
Nah it happens. Happened to me with Carlito actually. I've only watched the season once, no real time to watch it again, and in that viewing I did not recognise Carlito at all. Would not have even considered it were it not for Reddit.

She's a bit more than just an actress: she's an actual pro wrestler, Kia Stevens, also known as Awesome/Amazing Kong. She's mostly famous as a big time monster heel/woman you really, really, realllllyyyyy don't want to miss off (humorous because she's very sweet and funny IRL), but she's had a few babyface runs as

Uh yeah. Kids go missing everyday; they're murdered, exploited, and who the hell knows what else. This little girl has been dead for twenty years, and that's a goddamn tragedy, but I think that our resources would be better devoted to a little girl killed yesterday.

Something something Star Trek, something something Clinton running for POTUS, something something Pokemon fever. We have failed to leave the 90s. Does this mean no George W. Bush?

"That is what it is to be human-to make yourself more than you are."

If there's one thing the Air Force taught me, it's that fucking idiots join all the time. Take an 18-year old and send him away from home for the first time, there's a good chance he'll lose his mind in one of two ways: the first is of course, homesickness and things like depression which follow that.. The second,

My disdain for that monologue has grown tenfold…I can't believe I liked it at one point. However, I can certainly say I never liked Mark Halperin. Smarmy, self-serving, and dishonest, he is a singular personification of everything wrong with the corporate media.

And they went back to booing him right after. Jesus Christ, if heels (apart from The Miz who is by a mile the greatest heel of this era and so hateable he would've lasted two decades ago) had an iota of the heat that Roman gets, even in Connecticut, they'd all be in a much better position.

I've always believed that there aren't enough pure Maggie and Homer scenes, even going back to the Classic days. Why? Because Maggie and Homer together always provide a dynamic which is so often missing from modern Simpsons: heart. With smoother animations, celebrity cameos, and off-the-wall plots, that the Simpsons

Lol I dunno what for though, and he didn't exactly tell me, so *shrugs shoulders*

Interesting, I hadn't considered that even if I accidentally summarized it. If motion is an illusion, then does Mike only pretend to be ruthless to survive in spite of his true naure being much closer to the depressed, 50/60-some going on 70 curmudgeon working in a parking lot?

If I were a betting man, I'd say its a lesson he had to learn many times whether as a Marine, a cop, or as a hitman. Mike, grumpiness aside, is almost good-hearted, so I wonder how many half-measures it takes to push a man past his limits.

Walt is driven by pride, a bitter man pushing back against the world and making his legacy, but in turn he forgets what it is to be human. He makes excuses that it's always for the family, but it never was. It was always him, and he's fascinating because he always had that potential and perhaps even brutality.

Well to be fair, those guys are either pathologically stupid or know their audience entirely too well.

Did the prosecution prove that? If there are enough questions, especially regarding the LAPD's corruption and incompetence, that there are concerns of doubt, acquittal is a must. To rule otherwise flips the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" on its head. It is better for a sack of shit like OJ to walk free, not

Yup, OJ did it and in a sane world he'd have already been in prison for a decade and a half around the time he was stealing football memorabilia. However, the LAPD was and is notoriously corrupt, and its many mistakes (the biggest of which being racist, criminal POS Mark Fuhrman) screwed the case to a tenfold. The

Fun while it lasted then. I do not look forward to American Crime Story: Glee.

Is this really a Ryan Murphy series? The first few episodes were fine, though not necessarily remarkable and regrettably I remember the Kardashian brats too distinctly. As the season progressed, however, it turned into absolutely compelling television, a miniseries which can and will be talked about with season 1 of

This review gives me the pleasant news that I will be very slightly suprised. Going in, I expected little more than a rehash of his comedy specials or the mediocre ABC show, but instead he takes apparently the subtle route…or perhaps as subtle as someone who confuses funny with loud can be.