I’ll talk to my pharmacist to see if he can get this flavor for the soda fountain. I have my doubts though — he’s addicted to laudanum and the upkeep of his shop has seriously fallen by the wayside.
I’ll talk to my pharmacist to see if he can get this flavor for the soda fountain. I have my doubts though — he’s addicted to laudanum and the upkeep of his shop has seriously fallen by the wayside.
Oh shit, you’re telling me a video game website doesn’t report random murders, deaths, and accidents, and only mentions them when they’re notably tied to video games?
This has blown my mind.
I’ve always thought that there is nothing wrong with letting your dick decide what you want to watch online... so long as you don’t let it speak/chat for you.
They’ve already released a V2 revision of the PSVR hardware that made some modest upgrades (dynamic range passthrough, headphones), but I doubt they’ll do anything further for this gen, there just isn’t anything more to be wrung out of the PS4 console itself as far as performance. I suspect they’ll announce a…
My pet peeve is when the critics focus so much on the APR, often with comments like “That’s like $5,000 in interest over the life of the loan!”
A lot of these are solid, but some of the words people want replaced literally have different meanings than the ones they want them replaced with.
Because even people who love steak realize that it is bad for our health and bad for the environment. Plus, cute animals had to be murdered for it.
It’s not shocking when people respect others from the ethnic group where they originate. I meant in general that people in the US take a US-centric view that we regularly ignore major international stars simply because they are not Hollywood stars. That’s not just a Bollywood thing. How many famous Chinese actors can…
Based on some of the articles I’ve been reading, it’s possible Netflix is abandoning the Marvel show line altogether. With Cage it seems like the double whammy of creative differences and waning interest from the public did it in.
There’s no sugar in straight rum. Yes, it’s made from sugar, but the sugar doesn’t remain in the finished product.
Real talk, today, shut the entire fuck up
Here, ladies and gentlemen, you can see the Whataboutism in its natural habitat.
Here, ladies and gentlemen, you can see the Whataboutism in its natural habitat.
White people: Taking down statues is whitewashing history!
So Steam, the video game, was removed from the Steam platform because one of the developers was steamed for the negative reviews of the game that may resulted in the game making little steam in terms of sales?
It’s good to judge things from tiny compressed gifs.
I’m stealing that shit.