It's important to understand all ancient documents in the appropriate contexts, including cultural, religious and historical.
It's important to understand all ancient documents in the appropriate contexts, including cultural, religious and historical.
The applicability of this verse depends on spirit of their action.
If it did not participate in the Form of a Table, nobody could recognize or define it as a table. The forms precede reality, not the other way around. Or alternatively, the tables in the world are shadows in the cave; the real table is outside the cave. The shadow could not possibly participate in anything other…
Sadly, a lifetime's worth of programming can't be unlearned in five minutes - assuming it can be fully unlearned at all. Hopefully he tries though.
To be fair, the video paints a distorted picture of Hugo than you would glean by simply reading the cited blog-post - the blog post being if anything, a confessional and a recounting of how he changed his ways (assuming, of course, it was truthful, and written in a honest spirit).
I agree with that principle.
I think it's a bit of a catch 22.
That definition makes much more sense to me, and justifies the gender-specificity of the term.
Agreed. I don't understand how it's particular to men. Perhaps there's more to the definition, or other definitions.
Badum tsssss
I think we just divided by zero.
Hahahaha, awesome man. Thanks.
Hmm... poor woman. I hope she gets the healing she needs. As for the attacker, I hope he gets exactly what he deserves.
That's cute, but the bible itself says otherwise.
I share your sentiment. Someday, maybe.
"Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them."
Exactly, but wars are not precluded, and there are veterans.
In my experience it was a bit like a mathematical limit. You can get closer, but you will never actually hit it, and your progress slows the closer you get.
Okay? Nobody said anything about theology.
Well, firstly, we don't agree on the basic concepts. There is no philosophical consensus on the definition of "good." It's a philosophical question that has gone unanswered for basically the entire span of recorded history.