
I totally agree man. I think the real phalanx would be very dramatic visually in a movie. It's a multi-spear tipped meat grinder pushing up against guys with wicker shields and far shorter spears.

Well, maybe they will make that movie someday .

I liked the movie. That being said I'm definitely in the category of "history buff." They exercised naked, but they didn't fight naked. The depiction in the graphic novel and the movie is due to the "heroic nudity" aspect of Greek art.

The Spartans in reality wore armor into battle - if they could afford it. By 5th

That's a very ironic statement ...

Thermopylae is known to us because it is part of the first work in the Western historical tradition - in which the author, Herodotus, is trying to convey history, not over-the-top un-fact checked embellished mythology.

And he actually gets a lot of flak from authors in antiquity

So... you're telling me I've needlessly had Hastati maniples fighting side-by-side with post-Marian cohorts for at least 3-4 decades...

Whoa. I didn't know this existed...

Oh my gosh. I remember this, but only vaguely! My friend and I tried to play this and could never get past the first stage... lol.

The game was good, but the demo was amazing. The multiplayer community for the demo was amazing too. It was a shame the multiplayer never got it quite right... the walking mode was useless compared to the um... "skating" mode (for lack of a better term), and the balance was really off. Made a um,

I have really fond memories of this game, despite the ... "unique" art style, and the loss of that classic X-Com tension. It was basically the last decent X-Com game before the recent remake... after this it was either cancelled games, or bad ones.

I still remember using cheese mechs with a stupid number of small pulse lasers set on linked fire.

Heck yeah... I still remember sitting kind of flummoxed as the credits rolled. I still listen to that Yes song on occasion.

I'm so glad people remember this game.

This is actually the first X-Com game I played. Then I went back to UFO Defense, which IMO is still the superior game.

Kind of sad X-Com: Apocalypse isn't on the list... it was very flawed yes, and somewhere between the art style and the real time combat it lost a significant amount of tension the first two had.

those screen shots are kind of unrepresentative of both pc and console.

-as long as we're talking graphics, doom 2, tie fighter and wing commander 3 were probably on top (even though wc3 was generally forgettable). less pretty, but very notable releases... x-com, warcraft.
-in comparison, beautiful console games in

Correct. If you pull your gun on him, you don't get stabbed.

That's interesting. I thought RoS was fairly useless and might have used it once between two playthroughs. I abused Shock Jockey on second playthrough. The fact that we had such different views on RoS & Shock suggest to me Irrational might deserve more credit.

For 1999 mode, I too abused Possession, but unlike you, I

People are free to make the argument that Tolkien treats women poorly in his fiction - I just hope they do so citing the appropriate examples.

I have a feeling you would be surprised at what is taught and discussed in a typical (let alone more liberal) seminary.

It's the biological scarcity of eggs vs the biological profligacy of sperm - not because women can reproduce asexually.

And yet, they are ever so striking.

Yeah man. I nearly had an seizure.