
Ironic reply - "We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves."

Sadly, that is not true, but I wish it were. If it were, we would not have a single homeless veteran, nor could any sociopath swindler rise to the top of the corporate food chain; but it seems the opposite is the case - Society tolerates and even encourages injustice, rewards villains, and routinely ignores those who

Just do the relevant part, which is extremely, extremely hard. Learn the noble eightfold path and walk it perfectly - essentially a doctrine of salvation through the development of moral perfection.

Technical issue - can't define "good" without philosophical inquiry.

Does anyone else find this amusing? When philosophical discourse on ethics, virtue, and morality began - at least in the western tradition, it was not founded in religion. Plato's "form of the good" was not Zeus. Greek thought on the subject was adopted and reinterpreted by Catholic thinkers, with Aristotelean

I am thinking "pixelation of the tiniest matter" refers to the holographic principle, which actually is pretty freaking eerie.

Killzone was on PS2, long before Resistance was ever in the works for PS3. It had a fair shot at being Sony's Halo 2 answer.

Originally Indian and Greek (tetragammadion). Not sure if it became widespread through cultural transmission or independent creation.

-If violent, it would improve her chances of surviving or escaping harm.

Because our hands and minds are easily and quickly applied to immoral things, and the resulting fruits are often poisonous, both to ourselves and others.

As a man reading this, my own reaction is that all women ought to be armed, so that they feel no fear, and need not rely on random intervention, until that distant day when people stop doing bad things.

Agree. Carry mace.

It's more interesting to ask how anything can be immoral, when truth is subjective, and all opinions therefore equally valid, and invalid.

Or maybe modeling is immoral too. The culture of the fashion industry is hardly a bastion of morality - glamorizing youth, greed and encouraging widespread vanity.

I agree they are not the same, but on the second point, I disagree - equating IP infringement with theft cheapens not the concept of theft, but rather the concept of IP infringement. The IP holder stands to lose alot more than just one sale - there are IP infringers who want to do much more than merely play a game

Science - as the pursuit of truth - needs to be insulated from both just and unjust social agendas.

I love being that guy!

Now really, do you think it was pre-orders that put them over the top? Those are clearly known. It must have been post launch day retail sales that pushed their servers past capacity.

So tell me: how do you prepare your servers for launch if you have no idea what the player population at launch will be? If you can answer this question, you stand to make a lot of money.

Sadly, there is no magic eight ball that tells a developer exactly how many servers will be needed at launch.