
Nope. Ten year old Yellow cab. They’re as ubiquitous as cockroaches, and nobody thinks twice about seeing one idling at the curb. Plus, you can install a reliable 500 hp engine in case the cops do happen to ID you and give chase.

The most “Datsun” of Datsuns was probably the Honeybee B-210, not because it was the best car, but because it was emblematic of a foreign company trying soooo hard to fit in that it offered a silly, cartoonish sticker package as an option to make their low-cost cars more appealing to first time buyers.

The “X” is for “X-cessive”.

The best thing about these cars is that they are pretty, but there is nothing in them to break. And you can’t get much more under-stressed than a V4 tractor engine.

NP! Is there a new car out there that lightens your wallet by $55k that will bring so much joy to your life? I think not!

Article description: “all sorts of quirks”

Panic makes wieners of us all.

They’re sexy looking cars, but they drive like a Japanese Buick and they’re WAY more complicated than their performance can justify.

That’s not much help, I’m afraid. 0.5 second after the audio starts screaming out of my speakers, my partner is pissed off at me for waking him out of a sound sleep.

Nope. There is absolutely no reason why I would want an advertiser to blast my sleeping partner with an ad for services I couldn’t possibly be less interested in. Or shout, “ARE HIGH MORTGAGE INTEREST RATES GETTING YOU DOWN??” to my office-mates as I surf the web for a particular piece of work-related information.

...and this is why we will never have fully autonomous cars on our streets. We are too ready to blame the system instead of blaming the driver for not paying attention to what he, the traffic around him, and the electronic systems were doing before he had the crash.

Oh, sweet Jeebus - that grille! Do you remember when the BMW kidneys were actually elegant? Say, on the e38 7-series? I’m astonished that BMW’s designers learned nothing from Acura’s failed bird-beak or Lexus’s laundry basket of a grille.


OMG, perfect puppies and kittens! Why are all of these wonderful animals not snapped up instantly? What the hell is wrong with us?!?

Have you tried actually airing up a tire with this thing, or does it make the list just because it’s cheap? Most of these things take forever to do the job. Like, 30 minutes of forever.

Have you tried actually airing up a tire with this thing, or does it make the list just because it’s cheap? Most of

In addition to being universally incompetent, our president is a bona-fide asshole. ANY American citizen who wishes to serve their country should be allowed to do so, regardless of their proclivities or orientations. I have a tough time justifying why we should pay for gender reassignment surgery unless their

This is how the world SHOULD work.

They were indeed lovely in the years after they lost the belt-buckle hood ornament and before they lassoed their third owner (because he was a hot mess).

Yeah, owners of modern Z cars rarely care about the brand’s history. As late as the early 1990s, Z-car owners of all stripes would have fun sharing a wave or a blink of the lights at an intersection. That’s almost gone now, unfortunately. It’s only the enthusiasts in obviously modified Zs who understand why the old

I want an exploding propane tank.