
I had a similar experience. I was punched in the face for the first
time ever during my freshman year of college, which was the first time I
lived in a city for an extended amount of time. The guy that hit
calmly got in a car and rode away with his friends. Didn't try to rob
me or anything like that. I think had a

Well, he isn't one of the 'high elves' (like Galadriel) after all

The person in the video seems to be going under the assumption that Legolas has the eyes of a human, which he does not.

Well the character that did it had been resurrected a few times himself right?

Agreed, and considering they've already used White Walkers, it's not like they can say this is too far-fetched. SPOILER ALERT: It seems like they intend on using Robert Strong even, based on that scene with the unconscious Mountain in Qyburn's lab.


You get a like anyway because I can sympathize

Tolkien was far more picky about publishing than Martin, imo, and he died before ever publishing the Silmarillion, which he had been working at on and off for 50+ years. Yet Tolkien's son Christopher brought it all together reasonably well, all things considered, imho. So if worse comes to worse, hopefully Martin

Ok I don't know why but that made me laugh the hardest of all these comments.

I confess I still don't understand your comment.

Sure, there are plenty of nice white people. Are you looking for a singer, actor, or someone from a different walk of life?

Oh don't worry, the dragons are coming, and there's not just gonna be 2 dragons, there's gonna be 5, and they'll be huge! You won't believe it!

Not only that, but Ancalagon shattered a mountain range (Thangorodrim) when he fell!

Arrg, Smaug was not the biggest dragon in Middle Earth! What about Ancalagon the Black!?

Makin movies, makin songs and fightin round the world!

Oh I agree. And I've never smashed a car either, but I can hazard a guess that my skinny arms wouldn't be all that up to the task.

I remember an episode of Tosh where he interviewed some local tv reporter who had gotten internet-famous for hurting himself kind of badly while trying to prove how 'easy' it was to break into a car with a regular little claw hammer, which took him more than a couple of swings to accomplish.

Hmm I disagree with the reviewer. I thought the episode was a little boring until the surprise murder. It wasn't comical at all. I was genuinely shocked.


I actually liked Movie 43 :o