
Don’t worry... the Unicorn Fountain still exists. Yep... indeed.

Does anyone know if this has 2v2? I can see this getting more use if so.

Maybe now publishers won’t force the game out the door before all the bugs arpppffhaaahahah... sorry... couldn’t hold myself back.

Hell, Any game I streamed on twitch, Went into copyright clam even when white noise was played...after the stream was done...

Batman would have gotten it wrong, then the universe would have bent itself over backwards to make him correct.

So uh... why didn’t you just collect all the mushrooms and go back and get hit by the Piranha Plant?

Why does it look like his arm just morphs into a blob?

Actually this is just the sidearm for the grunts on level one. Their main weapon causes them to 360noscope you through walls while banging your mom.

I fucked YOU mom.

I really like how CD Projekt Red comes up with creative solutions for problems that arise in game. Summoning high level monsters for killing cows... giving potions that lower equipment requirements so people aren’t stranded in the wilderness... much better then just changing the game mechanics so you can’t attack

If so that would great. Do you have some screenshots of part of the code so everyone can see this as well?

Well no one really pays to watch someone on Twitch play video games, it’s all free to watch actually. You can however get a “turbo” account on Twitch that will allow you to... change the color of your username or something I think? Some popular streamers also become “Supporters” of Twitch. That usually means they get

I think I’m going to save this picture for those times when I have the urge to become “internet famous”.

Also, apparently all the swans in England are owned by the queen.

I doubt he’s reading this (I doubt anyone is reading this), but really this might be the best thing for him if he truly wants to make amends with his past. I’m sure he knew what he was doing was wrong at the time, and I’m sure he feels bad about it now... but no amount of handslapping or banning from hie “Prized

And then make bridges into atom smashers.


Oh please, this isn’t so bad.

I saw that first picture and this is all I could really think about (not a submission):