I knew as soon as I read this article that people were going to say something like “well Sega’s cool with it because they can’t make a good game themselves”, but - while that’s worth considering - it doesn’t make their point any less valid. Also, one could argue that while Mario has been higher quality, it’s been…
This is a good development. More people to maybe help those who need it.
Gary Oak predicted all of this back in Season 1. Deepest lore.
Well, lets see. There’s thinks like the corrupted healbot which heals the opponent when it dies. There’s silithlid swarmers that can’t attack unless the hero does. Silence is the only way to remove corruption from one of your minions. Or the card that causes a minion to heal the other hero when it attacks. Stripping…
What everyone else said, AND Silence can unfreeze a minion.
There are plenty of cards with a good mana:power ratio which include a nasty deathrattle which will hit the user hard. Silencing them makes them far less risky.
theres lots of cards out there that are worth silencing your own minions
There are a few cards that can’t attack so silencing them would be a pretty solid bonus.
i liked the card :/
But couldn’t you say the same thing about Dirty Bomb or even Brink?
Both Dungeons & Dragons, and Pathfinder, have stand alone board games that can be played single player (or in a group).
Time is also a resource that you can invest in something.
The only statement so far was clearly written by a third-party.
Congressional approval rates usually hover around 30% yet incumbents are re-elected at at least twice that rate. My theory is that people get in that booth and simply focus on names that are familiar to them.
This is the exact same argument but with the bar moved back about half an inch.
Drawing 1 card out of 30 is a known quantity. Drawing 1 card out of ALL cards or ALL monsters or ALL spells?
Draw is also affected by the players, though, when constructing decks. Of course you’re right that it’s random which cards you get when, but you still put them in there knowing this. Mana curve is a key element in deckbuilding, and skill definitely comes into play (even before a match starts) when determining the…
Blast Hardcheese.