
I liked the twist ending myself.

Rover: “What town are you going off to?”

Isn’t that sort of like a rougelikes then? In rougelikes you lose everything and nothing gets easier... so then why do people like rougelikes? The only thing you really get is the experence from playing and learn how do do better next time. (same with Bozak challenges)

I guess no one told you back then that switching Pokemon removes confusion. Probably would have raged myself if I were in your position as well.

I know who I’m sticking with when the apocalypse comes around, that’s for sure.

I would agree with the fact that thy don’t *deserve* to be paid. It’s great if we could get them some money or donations willingly, but if someone says:

People who have already bought the game in early access are still able to download and play the game. It's just not available for sale on the Steam Store anymore.

So... is that a no to the release or no to the not release?

Ok, I can't be the only one who was expecting... er how can I put this...? A light saber in the shape of a classic "Toy".

Yay! Reverse image search!

Just because you disliked the last expansion pack does not free you from bias. It's like being a Microsoft fanboy but saying:

I really don't want to turn the discussion around here into:


Totally agree 100%... it seems you're the only one who really thought it through. Piracy will never stop, it will always persist and exist in some form. The best way to deal with it is by minimizing it, and the best way to minimize it is by giving the customers benefits to using the DRM not drawbacks.

So... how about Ubisoft develops a less shitty DRM? That way people are more inclined to buy the game straight out rather then pirating it.

I just... can't care anymore you know? I've become desensitized to these kinds of "Sandbox" games due to the shear number of them, and the lack of quality in the majority.

Now playing

Indeed, it was definitely the highlight of the video.

Eh... I suppose it's better to have a highlight reel rather then a 5 hour death montage. Right? I just think it's cool that he was able to get some kills at all. You could say that the enemies were acting like idiots, but don't tell me you haven't seen worse players in other games.

Nope... don't regret a thing.