
Shorter version, if you just want the list of the list of what she says are "Eight things developers can do to make games less shitty for women", paraphrased from my notes... not that a lot of this pertain to action games and probably make more sense if you're thinking about first and third-person shooters, the Arkham

Now playing

This was his reaction when he managed to come back and talk to people. It disgusts me that I have to share my hobby and interests with the type of person that would do something like this to another human being for pure entertainment purposes.

I've been playing games for decades and nothing, NOTHING has made me more

It's like he ran into the game!

"He doesn't have any ammo"

Animator Life Pros

i worked on that. Its created from a simulation of water pouring down his shirt created in Realflow. You have each particle write a greyscale value of its location into the UVs each frame. add 255 of them together, compress each to one pixel. then in a shader on drake, we threshold through it, exposing only certain

I love when the Avengers mess with fan fans.

That was both not 8 bit and not PS1 quality :<

I've played a bunch of the game on both PS4 and PC, and really, the biggest difference between consoles and PC isn't the way that game looks, it's the frame rate. The PC version runs at 60fps (it's flexible, too, and with some tweaking runs well even on my older PC), and that makes a pretty big difference during

This is a very good idea. You can crash every party with 'good news everyone!' :-D


Go to all that trouble to make a nice sword and then using krylon to paint it. ugh.

I think this cheat is meant more for people who want to set up their town with a couple of larger/wealthier families but would rather not go through the trouble of playing all of them.

How to draw generic characters 101.

My journey with my son with autism has been, thus far, interesting. These "correlation vs. causation" arguments occur far more than you would believe, especially from the mouths of "well-meaning" strangers and family members. Ultimately accusations of being too lenient or too easy on my son get thrown around. So,

I actually waited in the iPhone line the last couple years, the first time for 18 days. Not for the phone, but because I wanted to go "camping" with a friend...on 5th avenue. Was it crazy? Maybe. Would I do it again? Yes. I did do it again, though for "only" 8 days. I'd do it whether I was getting the phone or not (I