
Completely agree. I’m a long time gamer, I’m a woman, and I’m a social science researcher, so I have some... thoughts... about this kind of study.

To be fair, the “official” story of Willis being kicked by a horse may have been what people presumed happened. He was by the horses, and then he fell down, and could only say “Hodor”. It’s not like people would have known that a kid who hadn’t been born reached back in time and yoinked his brain.

If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.

Since according to these lawyers, words seem to confuse people, all future games will just be a unique number starting with the next released game.

This just reads to me as a big manchild trying to justify his shitty behavior. Which could be unfair, but really.

I can see something similar happening for esports (VR spectating? Yes please). Not so much for nfl type stuff

Having worked directly on Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands - Wii, I just want to add that this was a project made full of motivated gamers and developers.

We even implemented an achievement system, while the Wii didn’t have any.

Maxime worked his ass so that they game would run at 60 FPS.

Some crazy level designer

Great work.

Ortho trauma surgeon here. The scientists may know a lot about fluid dynamics, but not a great deal about medicine. First, trauma to an artery causes the artery to clamp down, altering flow patterns. A fifty percent circumferential wound actually bleeds more than a transection because the vessels cannot spasm shut.

If Escaflowne doesn’t do it, then I think I just came up with something to write about.

Yeah, reading that post from Wreden about his anxieties of dealing with the success of The Stanley Parable really puts The Beginner’s Guide into perspective.

So glad they are finally doing swords now.

This is grossly underappreciated

Here is mine.