
I'm in the same boat as you. The worst part is, he's been rubbing off people and others start to swear more, namely Geoff.

I know how you feel, it's the same in my workplace. One big problem is how people seem to remove the value of certain words nowadays. Vulgar words are meant to be used in vulgar/angry situations, generally to emphasize your feelings. People have definitely removed all sense of the word "fuck" and now use it as a verb

The vulgarity has only stemmed in the past year or so. They were never this bad...it's mostly because of Michael.

Michael, the guy swearing so often, originated as the "rage quit" guy. That being said, ever since his popularity grew from getting angry and swearing they decided to add him to the regular cast of players at Rooster teeth. What bugs me so much is the fact that the viewers for this channel is fairly young, maybe even

I'd seriously say their both in the wrong. I've worked at EB games before and we get customers like this quite often. She clearly doesn't know how to treat customers. She treats him in a lower manner and he treats her like he knows everything. Fire vs Fire, the battle lead nowhere. Situations like these bug me because

it creeps me out mostly because it looks like its breathing O_O

What i most loved of the new Vita and hated bout the Psp.

I do Admit, the start and select buttons were kind of a pain to press. I like the redesign and i hope it'll be a form of "re-launch" for the handheld. Something with so much potential can't be put aside.

you ripped the words right out of my mouth

Even if i don't understand a word, I'm loving this :p

This is the most content I've ever felt buying a collectors edition. All i cared about was the map but i can now see that for once, I have finally gotten a collectors which punches out fantastic "hard" merch and "soft" merch.

they used to be used at 40$ at gamestop...I wonder how much the used price is now

Well to even house internet they need at least basic shelter...so if everyone had internet, everyone would have Shelter (easy mans thought process).

Without a doubt...i wasn't a fan of the ps3 controller but i meant more or less in regards to the coloring. They gave it a bit more personality this time instead of just dunking the controller in a vat of blue/red paint

I would go with red without a doubt...they both look fantastic. i like that they don't cover the entire controller with a single color. They, better yet, give it a nice pattern. Some may disagree but i like these controllers a lot more than ps3.

Why you do this to me D:

Agreed, this is the only car i ever want...i don't care how impractical it is...it's just so....majesic

So, the mega stones help give your pokemon a temporary boost in power while changing the form (also temporary)?

Yes, but not necessarily steal from digimon. It's somewhat inevitable when you involve technology with creatures that can change form. They can find different ways to still differentiate themselves but it's very difficult to do so once they keep reminding themselves of a game like digimon.

Exactly the thought i had when i first heard of this. I feel they grow resemblance to digimon (in the evolving aspect) the closer the game story gets to higher technological advancement.