
It's primarily because Nintendo designs very odd consoles with very unique features. People generally need to get accustomed to these new features which makes Nintendo start off with weak sales, but as soon as the consumer gets what Nintendo products can do the company gets a nice boost in sales.

It bothers me as well seeing that games are "incomplete" when i've beaten the main purpose of the game...it...just...bothers me.

the game is in alpha..expect more

that's very true...achievements shouldn't apply to everything :)

the concept is similar, but collecting trading cards is a choice when purchasing. you can get everything for free with time and patience.

I agree wholeheartedly, I don't want to be forced into this game of cards....i enjoy it because it's a choice i can make to follow or not.

I don't think it should replace achievements...and yes the trading card system will have its major faults which we can all see coming (rarity system costing us money) but what people forget is that we can sell the cards we earn and use the earned money to buy more...yes the margin in resell isn't so large but it

Steam trying to monetize the achievements is not a bad things...we don't need to buy the cards...we can sell them and get a cut of the sale. It's kind of a win win for both developers and players, so i have no complaints there (for now).

I agree with you there, not every game should have trading cards...or even achievements.

I do agree that if you want to get to the maximum level in a game it'll require time and effort by trading, buying, so on and so forth.

I agree with him regarding achievements.

I'm sorry, but what makes Fish a terrible person. A coworker and I got to meet him and we both thinks he's a really nice guy. He may be world and sometimes dramatic but you can't go ahead and say he's terrible when all you have to back that up is things displayed on the media. Media will never show the good side of

That keyboard is so short in width it amazes me O_O.

The slamming of the buttons was the best part..."Yes, press 'em good"

Man that title caught me off guard...i thought you meant crash as in "bug/not working" in october...didn't make sense to me but it's early morning. I have my reasons O_O. I'd love to see how co-op works on this game :D

It looks like the pieces of the bodies can be separated.

I can't wait to get my designs in game :p i have way too many to count now :p

I'm glad someone figured out a design that would not make it stand out too much from generic manual bikes :)

Same her.

The video thumbnail is freaking me out. He looks likes a piece of plastic, a really dangerous piece of plastic.