
All i can say after watching this is...."that was Dazzling"

I bought it as soon as I got to work....tonight will be a long night :D

damn, fooled me quite well

I never expected runescape to evolve to this level...3d html 5 and guns?

They should have made one that can switch from phaser to stun. Make the top rotate on switch and change the laser color

oh alright, the forums and the rest of the site is fine. They seem to have deactivated the page regarding downloads and purchases.

The server and shop have been disabled....crtl+r does nothing

Its very true that that is what makes it so fun. I'm primarily having issues getting the right parts and i don't exactly have the income to afford trial and error (i can probably afford one miss).

I can now be the frog I always wanted to be...The Mage of the swamps

I'm so glad someone did this....i trying to find a shortcut myself but I'll definitly start using this to build my lego models. Cutting down my speed and specifying parts will make me so happy when building. I am the happiest man alive today...i must be.

The site keeps getting the 404 message but no matter how many times I need to get around it I'll get the game soon :p

You can't go ahead and say that the pace can be faster. It can't and it'll never gain pace. The manga is updated on a monthly basis with 50 page chapters. If they had followed the pace of the first four episodes the writer would have to start punching out the same amount of pages of a chapter on a weekly basis. You

I hope they enjoy what they get :)

Well the story was fun to listen to but the game was built off of the gameplay....I don't know...i just feel like if they change the violence level it takes away from the game. It sucks to see that happen.

This is a little bit ridiculous.

This is definitely a game I will be playing.

When the game was first annouced, the Bungie developers were persistent in saying "we will get the game to as many platforms as we can" and i remember watching a video where they said that...i wish i can still find it...

I agree, i found it was underrated...i personally like the digimon games more than the pokemon games, it takes the "taking care" of your "pets" to a completely different level. I find the game enjoyable no matter how many times I've played it. Playing it on ps1 was a blast, then ran it on my psp. but now with my

I'm sure it's available nowhere and they are leaving that message because it is easier for us to understand and/or not complain....while them saying "the contest has not started yet, please try again at a later time" would be easier.

Please tell me that they'll one day release a digimon game on psvita. I've played digimon world 3 ever since it came out and have been waiting for something new. If they add digimon world 3 to the ps store I'd be happy as well...just give me something, I don't like resorting to emulators.