
I have 0 issues with her voice...but I find it absolutely fucking pathetic that a bunch of people here use terms and shade to describe other political candidates, on all sides, but are falling ALL over their goddamn selves for her and this “average” speech, albeit for an historic moment, that she gave last night.


...’cause, you know...that’s actually what happened.

Japanese McD’s are on a pretty different level from the US. While fast-food is still ‘fast-food’...over there, the burger/sausage patties don’t have that mandatory, mystery, unchewable, grizzle-bite. It’s a lot more expensive, but a treat. And most Japanese use it that way...as a treat and not a daily dinning hall...

Gross...when tha F’ did (Nu)Gawker get all “Code Pink-y”??

It’s a rotating “leadership”...that way, when two are (inevitably) locked-up for some dumb shit, and another two are busy dancing around DC street fairs like idiotic jam-band-hippies, some rando in a pink shirt can claim: “Hey!! I’mma “Co-Founder”, too!!!”

I dug deep for this...knew I'd find you...nice work!!

The real treat was seeing him in his prime in HS in NoVa. Fresh legs ‘n all!!

Nah, man. No way.