
I would recommend Mint if coming from a OSX and PCLinuxOS if coming from Windows. Others have suggested Crunchbang, which is a great minimalist distro based on Ubuntu, but not a good choice for beginners.

External roof mounted antenna for wi-fi. Any reason to do this?

Wouldn't blocks and puzzles be better?

Teach him what to do when he gets in an accident. Explain he should pull off to a safe place, not admit fault, get contact info for witnesses, and show him where to find registration and proof of insurance.

Ya know, I was thinking the same thing. I consider Jock Jams to be at the meridian of old skool time.

Jalopnik did an article on the 10 best cars for poor folk. That might give you a few ideas. I grew up driving a bunch of cheap cars and the biggest piece of advice I'd say is make sure it runs well! Get something with a sound engine and good tires. Compromise on the interior, paint, etc. People sometimes forget that…

Agreed. Ya know what might work? Wrapping an old bike tube on the edges. I wonder...

"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my ax" - Abe Lincoln. Someone please explain to the skeptics how these two quotes can live in harmony.

Thanks for the link! Anyone have personal experience with a particular type?

What are the different types of siding? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?

Rumor has it a lot of the new energy-efficient washers and dryers aren't built to last.

Must have been a "load-bearing" nail :-)

I'm no chef, but whenever I cook breakfast food (eggs, hashbrowns, bacon) there's no way I can do it on the highest setting.

Congrats! This is a fantastic idea (not that you need my validation).

Hey homeowners! What have been your top 3 energy efficient upgrades?

My tip of the day: Those drywall sanding screens work very well on porcelain—great for cleaning a nasty toilet or sink.

Something like this, maybe?

I hear ya. It's silly that there's even a "standard" for a voluntary gesture of appreciation for someone who goes above and beyond.

Mr. Pink, is that you?

I would think you'd be able to create a custom blocking rule using the AdBlock+ extension.