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    @Menolly: You're not in your panties playing games with these guys though...

    Carcassone is fun and easy enough to learn for your wife and kid.

    @Jinxter69: Because the Githyanki was on the cover of "Fiend Folio", which he mentioned in the article. :)

    cool.. damn last shot totally ruined that seemingly cool part of the movie though...

    If Clash of Heroes HD isn't out yet, how can you be playing it?

    The demo was complete trash. But I bought the game anyways and the alien and predator campaigns are pretty cool. They really nailed being both those species, I'm in on the sequel.

    haha, moronic game corporation clutching at anything to make itself look good.. after showing how they blew tons of money last year.

    The biggest problem with the decapitations in this game are design wise.. it seems if someone does a decap, they are completely vulnerable to being decapped themselves.

    Sounds like a good speech, Romero lookin out for games and preaching to save our history.. Go man go!

    No one plays Halo 2 anymore, shut it down!

    Yea 3D sucks cuz Virtual Boy sucks. People will wear glasses, they just won't look into a red and black wierd tripod thing for hours.

    I play on both all the time, and it's true. It's not a law though (of course), the MAG beta had a bunch of douchebags with all the same characteristics of the "juvenile" xbox livers.

    @everyonesmom: I mean the gameplay movies, not the AvP movies. haha

    If the game is 1/2 as good as these movies, this game will be great.

    so for every 15 dollar Imax ticket, they sold a .01 cent ticket in Iran. I get it

    LOL, $7.20 average for a movie ?

    People that hate DLC are maniacs. If you like a game and they add onto it, that's a good thing. 5 bucks?! You piss that away talking on your phone for a couple minutes in today's world.

    @wonder6oy: ROFL, there were no indians in that movie sucker!

    That's one badass AvP trailer.