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    They can’t.  I’ve tried.

    I was one of those people, I don’t like Garrus.  Or the frog guy that everyone loves.

    Hardline was sweet!

    This is good ass reporting right here!

    Every movie from China is approved by the government.  Even though I love sci-fi, auto-no

    I agree group punishment is bad, but if they were allowed a sub, then teams could abuse that / use it as a strategy.

    (FYI I’m against crunch. Sounds like they are least getting paid the OT.)
    Just here to say I once worked 190 hours in a 2 week period during an almost year long crunch at Midway to release Freaky Flyers... Oh yea, my salary was 23k and I got 0 overtime. If someone can do the math, my hourly salary must’ve been pretty

    You got it easy breezy. Single dad of 2 here, but no one cares about us.

    Every single thing you wrote is incorrect.

    My kids watch Game of Thrones with us. If you can’t convey the difference between fantasy and real life what are you doing as a parent?

    Yea good point, but that is an item you have to find.

    If I was the boss at Kotaku, I’d fire the reviewer for this weak ass, phoned in, played the game once with my boyfriend review.

    No we’re not, this game is cool

    This review isn’t very good. I guess reviewers don’t get to pick what games they review, but right from the first sentence, you can tell the reviewer doesn’t get the Friday the 13th movies, and they don’t really get this game either. Jason walks slow in the movies and teleports in front of you, then kills you,

    I let my 3 year old play GTA, so most people will think I’m worse than this lady, but I imagine she sucks as a person. Funny that she thinks a tiny bag of meth will kill her son... He probably would just REALLY like GTA for a few days, then sleep a lot.

    A double kill and he thinks he’s God. lol

    So you’re saying if you pay anywhere from $60-$700 (The price of Destiny) upfront and then just have to spend hundreds of hours of time to re-roll it’s ok, but if you have to pay for each re-roll it’s gambling?

    Siege is free this weekend!

    Ahh.. Tool fans, the worst of the worst

    “every time”? I think you’re stuck in the 90s. I was watching a R6 tourney from this year that had mouse and keyboard and console controllers in the same game and mouse and keyboard players were not dominating at all