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    Transparently Political? You're insane, and you're injecting thoughts you heard outside of the movie into the movie.

    Gore = "a lack of respect for great story telling" ?!?!

    This screen is exactly what video games are about!! Doing stuff you can't do in real life; like control a violent alien life form and rip off human heads.

    The more gore the better.

    Lame, that's a Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne pic. Totally different than WoW... You guys should know this.

    Haha, so defensive about a busted government.

    A Mii is a Mii on Wii not an Avatar see? #avatar

    BAN VIDEO GAMES EVERWHERE! Austrialia was right! #crime

    We'd spill beer on it night 1 and be back to our battlemaps. I still love it. #dungeonsdragons

    So fun.

    I wanna blow up a giant freeway interchange? next dlc? k thanks.

    At least they got Rush, make another GOOD Rush game. Check out the Rush 2049 versions on DC and N64 for good reference, Warner Bros.

    L4D on xbox is fun, plain and simple.. And more of my friends have L4D xbox than PC. Is that a good enough reason?

    Booty got the boot!!


    People complaining about paying for extra levels for the games they like are insane.

    Dumb ass EA released 2 ok games in a quarter and this is their excuse?

    I wonder what those things are supposed to be bred from, one looks like a giant sloth and the other... uhh some 4 legged thing with whisps and a dragon ass? Possibly alien creatures we don't know about unless we play the game. But still, looks like they were gonna shit on the poor aliens like everyone else does. It

    The most fun you'll be able have on a Wii FPS this summer is going to be Real Heroes: Firefighter! It's longer, has even better VO actors (with a good script), and isn't some generic FPS. Different puzzles! You save people from a thinking AI fire!