The only way I can think of them redeeming themselves is through cloud-computing. And I have a feeling that that's not happening.
The only way I can think of them redeeming themselves is through cloud-computing. And I have a feeling that that's not happening.
You'd think that they could make her wireless.
"Another distinction between ice dance and other disciplines of skating is the usage of music in the performances; in ice dancing, dancers must always skate to music that has a definite beat or rhythm. Singles and pair skaters more often skate to the melody and phrasing of their music, rather than its beat; this is…
I don't know a lot about figure skating, but isn't this ice dancing? Figure skating's younger sister that she tells everyone she's not related to?
I'm actually really surprised by the amount of people who didn't know this in the comments. I guess I know a lot of random video game trivia?
I always had an idea for a game like this,but I imagined it to end up with gameplay more like Chibi Robo.
It's not a bunch of Mario clouds arranged around a room if that's what you mean. It's meant to be a place to show indie games off and for people to talk about them while playing.
Yeah, the machines are free to play. Most of the money is made by way of admission if there is a band playing or drinks bought. The drinks aren't too expensive, but they definitely make a profit.
It's surreal to see something you've been involved with on the front page of Kotaku.
I can't find the release date, so I hope it's announced at E3.
You know what would get across the idea quickly? Paper Mario. In the next month.
Rhythm Heaven is my favorite series and it accomplished that within 2 games. Multiplayer may make this the only party game that I'll ever need.
Yeah, I mean the technology is incredibly simple, but would anyone care is the problem.
Yeah, pretty much.
You know what I want in a tablet that I know I'm never going to get? A fully supported attachable controller that wraps around the screen. That's all I want. If I could have that, then I'd buy a tablet computer.
I'm wondering if 3D will actually make Mario Kart easier.
This post gave me a heart attack. I'm waiting for some sort of press release to say that the quote was taken out of context, or he just wanted to encourage multiplayer as something to add to normally single-player experiences.
I have no idea if this is correlating with actual data, but with everything I hear from Michael Pachter, I usually assume the opposite.
@Befitzero: Most of the country is out of work? 50% unemployment? What?
Ah well. I still like it as an urban legend.