@GregtheMad: Like selling "Nova" cars in Mexico.
@GregtheMad: Like selling "Nova" cars in Mexico.
Is Tri-Ace planning on making a space marine Heavy Rain?
Really interesting alternate realities to think about. If another company was "in charge" and wasn't bullying third-party developers into being exclusively for their system, would that lead to the success of more quirky franchises?
The real question is if Nintendo had failed in any of their crises, would the potential developers like Miyamoto all go to another company and still overcome the video game crash?
If anything, it'll be impossible on the 3DS due to one of the screens not showing 3D. Maybe in the games that don't support 3D?
That's not saving energy...
Can someone rig up Rhythm Heaven to be audio-only? I'd be able to go screen-free for a while if I had that.
Everything's been done before:
I have a feeling that that is part of their job.
Then why is there a Mac version of Bioshock and it's not on Steam?
I thought that Steam for Mac was supposed to solve this. It didn't.
I didn't say that Mac was better than PC. I own a Mac and I understood that Valve wanted to start bringing stuff from Steam to Mac users, so I jumped on the train, but the pickings are slim. Why does everything have to be a user-base war? I know Macs aren't as good at gaming. I like them for other reasons.
But...but...I have a Mac...
I can't imagine picking up the tiny goo balls with my gigantic thumbs.
Because most games are based on the action movie aesthetic in which the main character is stupid and plucky while the enemy is smart and calculating? It's not an aesthetic I like, but then again, I don't like action movies.
Achievements...Can't wait...
It's like a cross between the two.
Does anyone here know about Picross? Well a new picture logic game just came out that's based on it: [kaetheryan-chronicles.com]
I just love silent point and click games. Something beautiful about being able to manipulate the environment without directly controlling the character. Just controlling tiny pieces of its reality.