
More than a quarter of the US thinks that the Republicans should take Obama's job. I don't trust polls anymore.

When the last ones came out?

"those in Japanese without internet"

Thank you for saying this. One of the reasons that I hate reading gaming websites' comments is that everyone is of the same radical opinion that games should be defended even if no one is attacking them yet.

What do you mean? He really did write it and it's news. Are you angry that it puts games in a bad light?

Not on the iPhone version, unfortunately.

Have you never played Boggle?

I'd play a Hideo Kojima game about a ninja. Like a real one. Not Raiden.

No joke, this is the second One Piece restaurant I've seen in Japan.

I would argue that killing someone in a game or watching someone get killed in a movie is actually less engaging than reading about someone getting killed in a book. Books require the brain to use its imagination.

I think he was more annoyed about how different types of free speech are being valued above others. I would agree with him that if sexual content is allowed to be regulated, then violence should be equally regulated. Of course, I think most of the people on Kotaku would agree that none of it should be regulated, as

@Bloodoflamb: No, I have an annoying HD TV that I need to fiddle with the remote for about 20 seconds before it starts working. Much faster to use my computer for the weather than the Wii.

Have ADD. It's helped me master it. If you have trouble with the being born with a neural disorder part, drink some coffee before playing. It's about changing attention every second or so and training your hands to do intuitive things without thinking about them. Most of your body's functions are automatic, you just

@oziel03: Does the Wiimote work with a computer? I'm sure there are actual programs for it. I use a Mac, so I have Darwiin Remote.

Fallon kick!

I just plain didn't like PC platformers in that era.

You should go see the New York Neo-Futurists. They do 30 plays in 60 minutes! (I work there in case you didn't notice)