
This isn't a story mission, it's random side mission where everything shown is entirely the actions of the player. If you wanted, you could have continued to flee the cops without shooting them. On the flipside, you could have killed the attacker before he fled.

10/10, would read/review again.

I used to hate it, but then I realized it's mainly to show the average person that this game is not a game for their home console. All handheld game trailers are like that.

If anyone is looking for Rock Band 3 instruments, Mad Catz (the official RB3 peripheral creator) is having a huge sale.

Mad Catz (the company who makes RB3 instruments) is having a huge sale on all their RB3 peripherals.

The dub for Catherine was extremely well done, imo. I used to be extremely picky about dubs and would never give them a chance, but I decided to give them a try and now I end up liking at least half (whether it's games, movies, or anime).

I agree with what GMockingJay said about gamer girls. We are all people who enjoy video games! Do we need a separate "con" for each race, gender, and sexuality? No.

Because most Americans see music games as "just a fad" or a box of gimmicks. I've been playing them for years and it was awesome when all my friends jumped on the bandwagon when Guitar Hero became popular, but now I'm the only one left.


Now do this with HeartGold & SoulSilver. I did find some interesting DS hacks to change the perspective, but they were glitchy.

Just like how guitars did when K-On became popular.

Definitely. I've been mentioning this every time GTA III or Vice City for iOS gets brought up.

Because people like Pokemon and Nintendo wants to sell more 3DS LL's. Technically you can play all the DS Pokemon games on it ;)

You have no idea how many people say this seriously. It's at the point where you need to add "/sarcasm" at the end to be able to know.

You know that a synthesizer can emulate pretty much anything, so the strings and horns in songs are still charted to a "real instrument". Also everything has bass pretty much...

Just because they got one song doesn't mean they have them all. For example, the Kenny Loggins DLC that was release didn't have their most popular song "Danger Zone" because masters didn't exist. Harmonix employees lamented this on Twitter a lot. Stuff happens, like how we will probably never get Led Zeppelin or Pink

Why? All their trademarks and licensing are under "Rock Band" so if they changed it just for you (or people who complain about any genre), all the DLC wouldn't be able to work unless they paid thousands of dollars trying to re-licensing things. That's why Blitz was under the Rock Band umbrella. Would it be worth it?

I thought it was cool the the US president was a woman and a ship was named after Obama.

No problem :)