
This is great!

Is there any bands in the DLC list that you like?

You can get DLC

Airplane Mode isn’t just for mobile. It’s in Windows 8 and 10, and it turns off all wireless features (Wifi, Bluetooth, etc.).

Can I change my NeoGAF email from my work email to my Gmail once I’ve already been approved as a member, or will I get banned?

What's worse is the guy that uploaded this. Who puts "For licensing/usage please contact licensing@jukinmedia.com" in the video description along with a facebook page called "elastigirlsfacefelloff"???? Does he think someone is gonna pay him to use this video in an article or something?

Afro Samurai

It has as much relation to 13 as 13 Versus did. The main gameplay is action (not turn taking) and you can switch characters on the fly.

No, you don't.

Let's Fish! Hooked On for Vita seems interesting.

I agree with those examples, I really hate when they think for the gamers, especially when they can easily gauge interest via social media. I think that SE had to make a judgement call because the PSP wasn't doing so hot near the end of its lifetime when Type-0 came out and now the Vita isn't doing great either. I do

Well this game was made for a Japanese audience first. Would you rather they cut the songs out? The English patch for the game will be out this year, so I'm excited for that.

Are Californian's big fans of Morrissey?

They can't make a spiritual successor because elements of the actual game are part of the IP Sony owns, so it would be infringing on that. That's why Rock Band Blitz, Unplugged, DS, all fit more in the confines of Rock Band than Amplitude.

Too bad Blur isn't on Steam anymore. The local co-op is a blast!

Delete Payday 2, that should free up a terabyte.

Now playing

I'm not a fan of overly poppy songs, but Mitchie M has done some crazy stuff with the tuning of the program and makes her voice more realistic.

An Android version was confirmed to be "coming soon."

Play kickbeat